Fern's new home!!! the queen of her castle..



Nicholai's granny
Feb 27, 2011
Reaction score
We are the new owners of "Fern"... we are happy to welcome her into our home with open arms.. she will have her own space with enough room to breath. Two new dogs to keep her company, Jack Daniels, and Corky... photos later.. my husband and I look forward to all the fun of making our mark with Fern.. Her seats are wonderful, her top is grand... :love7: We hope to have lots of photos up soon as to the progress... She will be a busy lil bee this summer.. we have lots planned... :angel9:

a note from Fern:

The road will rise up to meet me
The wind will be always at my back
The sun will shine warm upon my face
The rain will fall soft upon my purty paint job..




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Fern looks right at home! I am so happy for her! I sure am missing those nice green seats of hers. Glad you are enjoying her and maybe we will see ya at a car show. Call us and maybe we can meet up at one of the shows.

Welcome aboard and congratulation :happy10:
It's good to see Fern got a good home
and owner to enjoy the HWY and all it's corners :happy10:
Welcome! Good to see this one went to a good home and didn't go to far....
Always nice to see a great car go to another great
family !!! Enjoy !!! :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:
Welcome to FABO from sunny and not-so-warm-for-us (43F this morning) SoCal. You're going to have fun here!
Glad to see Fern went to a good home and someone who'll appreciate her.
Congrats, Fern is a beauty and looks right at home with you.
Ah, another satisfied customer!!!Welcome to FABO and to the A-body Mopar ranks. Fern looks just as happy as can be, just waiting for someone to cruise with!!! Enjoy every minute of the ride!!! Geof
Welcome to FABO and congrats on the new ride....
We are the new owners of "Fern"... we are happy to welcome her into our home with open arms.. she will have her own space with enough room to breath. Two new dogs to keep her company, Jack Daniels, and Corky... photos later.. my husband and I look forward to all the fun of making our mark with Fern.. Her seats are wonderful, her top is grand... :love7: We hope to have lots of photos up soon as to the progress... She will be a busy lil bee this summer.. we have lots planned... :angel9:

a note from Fern:

The road will rise up to meet me
The wind will be always at my back
The sun will shine warm upon my face
The rain will fall soft upon my purty paint job..

Welcome AbodyGranny!!
Very pleased to see you and Fern here on FABO.
The last 2 that grew up and left us (BOF and Clara) were supposed to have kept in touch but never showed. Don't know why, they both got killer cars for good prices.
Don't worry about ABodyBetty and her tears in her beers over Fern.
heck Fern is smilling from ear to ear in that pic above!!:cheers:
She's finally home now. I was just the 1 year hospital stop. LOL!

Even better...
I saw hubby sent me a friend request and is looking like his screen name is to be "Dr Dart", COOL!!!

Wanted to say a quick welcome and we are planning a show in Dayton this year. Hope you, Fern and the rest of the family are there too. Let us know in advance as to the one your attending and we'll come up.

Here's a couple of pics I used to use here on welcome wagon to welcome new members. Thought I maight as well use pics 1 last time! You can tell in the pics here and yours above she is MUCH happier now!:cheers:
Was glad to hear she had 2 new dogs too. Didn't know how she was going to make it without Lex's PH balanced lemonade hose downs on her multi mile tires and clean hub caps!


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Hey everyone. I have not been on here to introduce myself yet. I am the poppa to granny's Fern. I'm gone most of the week, but i will update as much as i can.
First of all...thank you all for the warm welcomes and thank you John for your passion. It is inspiring.:smilebox:
The story behind the adoption of Fern:
We have been continually upgrading our lifestyle to the best of our ability for the past 10 years. This has required us to move 9 times in the 10 years we have been married. This meant an increase in money but got us behind every time we moved. We finally settled in Dayton. Almost 40, so it's time to stop the state hoppin. We wound up with a sweet 2006 Dodge Ram 1500 4X4 Laramie and a 2010 Focus (does anyone know what focus stands for in my world?) I was putting about 50-60K miles on the truck each year. Last year at about 100k i started having issues. I opted for dealer repairs. Several dollars later, we made the decision to sell him and get a small car with good gas mileage. We did not want another payment, so we were gonna pay cash. Within our price range, the quality of the cars we were looking at were basically disposable junk. Then pops up an ad for Fern. I looked at granny and said "here's you a car babe" (as i chuckled). I didn't realize that she would actually like her (she had been looking at dodge stealth, mazda miata, bmw, camry, s10, sonoma...all early 90 to late 90 model vehicles) So...i take the small trek to look at Fern last Saturday with my possibly eventually to be son in law. Granny couldnt go. I checked out and drove Fern. Ok...i love her, but....granny needs to drive. So we return Sunday and granny loved her. We signed the adoption papers. Exchanged a small adoption fee for her pedigree and we are on our way home.
I guess as we age out of our teens, some of us forget about the enjoyment of driving. It has become more of a necessity for me than an enjoyment. This meant leaving the windows up, running the ac and heat. Oddly...on the 55-60 degree ride home, i had the urge to roll the window down and hang my arm out. This is how driving is supposed to feel. Then the feeling i got when every other car that passed me had 2-3 people in it ruberneckin...trying to get a better look at Fern. Suweet!
So...that is the story of the adoption of Fern.
I look forward to repairing and upgrading Fern as time and money permits..and documenting her life on our new thread.
Again...thank you all.
See you in the threads or possibly a car show or two around dayton.

-Dr. Dart
Welcome to FABO!!! I can guarantee you that LOTS of love went into Fern to make her the beautiful car that you now own. The previous owners painstakingly worked many, many hours to restore her luster and bring her back to the runway Queen that she now is. Believe me, I followed the thread of her restoration with much interest and when the decision to have to sell her was made, it was made with much regret. These people LOVE their A Bodies and it shows in the quality of the workmanship put into all of the cars that they own. Congratulations on a great purchase, and it's FANTASTIC to see Fern will still be gracing the pages of our own very little forums here at FABO!!!!!