Well-Known Member
I can't recall if I trimmed the tabs on mine or not. I actually use them on my Viper to help remove and install the trans though. They have holes in them, so my dad and I made up some brackets that bolt to our transmission jack and reach up and locate in those holes to lift the trans by the tabs. The bottom is anything but flat and isn't symmetric at all, so it likes to roll around on transmission jacks. The tabs do a nice job of letting the adjustments on the jack actually do something. I think I recall using at least the front ones on my Dart for that reason, but I might have trimmed the rear ones for clearance.Yep, that's on my radar. Part of why I want a cardboard cutout of the trans so I can "play" with it easily. There is even an odd tab on the DS of the trans that @72bluNblu cut off for that very reason. I am looking at either building my crossmember to clear that or cut it off like Blu did.
BTW, it isn't on the older T56's, only the T56 Magnums that are OEM TR6060 based. I believe the OEM's used it to attach wiring harnesses to.
You might be able to find a plastic mock-up, but I've never really looked that hard. I know they make foam engine blocks for stuff like that, so it seems like transmission ones could exist. Guess the other option would be to get a junk one and pull the guts out so you just have a case. Still not exactly light, but probably way easier to move around.