Finally got my garage



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2019
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After moving into my new home a year ago,and going back and forth with the township since August, I finally got my garage built (though smaller than I wanted,long story).
Now to seal it up and get everything moved out of the old garage and get it tore down.

You may want to leave the old garage up. If your anything like the rest of us you'll be out if room in no time. Looks great, Regulations and cost is always a hard thing to overcome.
After accumulating 40 years of parts that I'll never use again and building a 3rd car garage I never thought I'd run out of room. And if you throw something out today, tomorrow you'll be looking for it.
Me and my Dad have two pole buildings full of car and other hobby stuff. We need to thin the herd.
Never enough room. If there is I seem to fill it in short time.

I’ve got the age now when “thining the heard.” Is real. I don’t want to leave my kids the mess of cleaning up “Dad’s Hobby.”
I even went out and bought a book to help with the other stuff. I’ve been addressing it slowly as I expect to live another 20+ years LORD willing. Sucks to be an adult.
The new garage is four feet behind the original one.
I would have to drive through the old garage to get into the new one.
The old garage is rough and has a dirt floor and no foundation, plus the roof is only 8' tall,no room for a lift,that is one reason for the new garage.
I would consider keeping the old garage and fixing it up a little,but code requires it has to come down.
But that is no big deal.I can get around the code and put up a 12x20 garage beside it in the future.
That looks really nice. Out here where we are, we just build first and worry about things later. Very lenient county as far as regulations and things of that nature. We live in a very RED county and they usually just let us do what we need to unless it's so big that it's ridiculous.
This Monday, I am getting the garage foam sprayed.
2 inches of closed cell foam,roof and sides.
It will insulate,create a vapor barrier and quiet down inside and out.
I got a decent deal on it.
Then I can start moving things in.
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That's my little shithea,szu.
My condolences, I feel your pain,I have lost too many best buddies.
And now it is insulated.
Looks good,heats up pretty quick ,even though the doors are not sealed and insulated.



That's a sharp building...nice clean lines. I can remember when there was no code and property owners could actually build their own buildings on their own property the way the owners wanted them...NOT the way someone else who doesn't live there wants them to! I recently saw a touching movie that was directly to that point. If my old brain can remember the name of it I will post it. Congrats We really like that building and best of luck with the rest!
Does not take long to fill it up.
Still have more equipment, tools and parts to move in.
The projects are growing as well.


If you need to free up some space i guess i can take that cuda off your hands

You know, to do you a favor