finally sprayed my wheels...



Well-Known Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Berlin,N.J. 08009
my wheels are ready....

i finally got around to spraying my wheels with the stuff @CudaChick1968 recommended. looks to have dulled the shine a little bit if it keeps me from having to polish the damn things every three weeks its fine by me.. that stuff sprays nice.. think i did something wrong because i used a ton more product then i thought i should but its on there and its laying flat.. curious to see what it looks like after 24 hours... if you put your hand close to it you can see a clear as hell reflection still..

the product:


cheap harbor freight gun:



You said it dulled the finish? Maybe when it dries it will level out. They look nice. A coat of wax helps too. Maybe wait a week for the clear to harden.
What did you do to prep them?
Those look nice! What did they look like before you started?
You said it dulled the finish? Maybe when it dries it will level out. They look nice. A coat of wax helps too. Maybe wait a week for the clear to harden.

thats what i'm thinking. the pics were only a few minutes after i sprayed them.. take 5 days to fully cure...

if i put my hand close to them they still have a super clear reflection... i'm quite happy with the way they turned out.
Sorry missed that. They look good and will likely take less effort to keep that way!
put that cleaner in a squirt bottle, sprayed them till there were puddles, wiped with a microfiber towel, hit with compressed air and wiped them with a clean microfiber towel...

Ok cool so that removes grease, wax.....and "whatthehellever". I gotta do mint then. Thanks Joe.
For me it is Mother’s and chrome-it, the latter is pretty good and use on my coach wheels once you get to the nice shine. chrome-it is much easier to use and works on the said name and polished aluminum and stainless. Pretty good stuff. I use on my Centerlines once repolished with mothers and the power wheels. Would be nice to have a coating that lasted a few years with little maintenance!
They really look good, that ceracoat stuff is some tuff ****, them rims should look good a long time.

did any of the slight dullness disappear over the last 24 hrs ? and also they look great .
Love those wheels
I've had em on my duster for years without washing them... that dulls em nicely too