Fire extinguisher mount



Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
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far eastern Colorado
Decided it would be a good idea to mount a fire extinguisher in my car. It is in a '72 Demon. I didn't want to drill any mounting holes so this is what I came up with using existing holes. It is a very solid mount. Just thought others might be interested if wanting to do something similar in their own car. Tho only problem would be if a fire starts in the trunk (lol).
I don't understand how mounting in the trunk will help you . A dash fire or an engine fire will be fully involved by the time you can gain access to the extinguisher .
I am not convinced, keep mine alongside me on the floor of passenger side or between the front bucket seats, time is everything in a fire situation. Had two minor fires in the past with no extinguisher handy.

1963 Pontiac Grand Prix had a hole in the top of the muffler. I thought the increased noise was cool until it caught the back seat on fire! Had to wait for the local fire department to hose it down. The water did as much damage to the interior as the smoke/flames. Paid $150 in Tijuana to replace entire interior (diamond tuck) which including headliner, dash, package shelf, door panels, everything (circa 1976).

1965 Plymouth Valiant Bracket car had a cross threaded fuel pump fitting and a little flame shooting out from there. Removed my Levi Jacket (popular at the time, circa 1970's) and wrapped it around the fuel pump. When the jacket caught on fire, I removed it and threw it on the pavement. Miraculously, that put the fire out. Took the partially burned direct connection patch off and sewed it on another jacket (you know, the red heart with the tail on it-anyone have a foto of one?).

Originally paid $100 for the Pontiac and $125 for the Valiant. Sold the Pontiac for $850 and the Plymouth for around $3,000 (circa 1980).

63 Pontiac1.jpeg

65 Valiant3.jpeg
I don't understand how mounting in the trunk will help you . A dash fire or an engine fire will be fully involved by the time you can gain access to the extinguisher .
Yeah, guess I didn't realize that most fires instantly flare in to an inferno. Maybe I should forget the whole idea. Didn't think turning a trunk key would take that long .
I keep mine on the floor, behind the drivers seat. - No one sits in the rear, so it remains undisturbed.
I keep mine next to the driver seat. There's space between the seat and the door for a smaller one. I can get to it with the door closed easily.
Not a bad idea to have one there and inside the car IMO!

Wish I had one back in 84 when the Bee went up. I keep one inside mounted on the driver side rear trim panel. Seems like a decent location and mounts easily in the open space.




I guess the fire extinguisher was not a option!

I keep one attached to the rollbar at the floor on the right side... and I am considering a second one in the car a little closer to me... I also have a larger one in the garage.. prefer to have it and not need it, over need it and not have it.
Putting one on the hump right between the buckets.
Right now it's on the drivers side rear floor.
They are kinda like keeping firearms in the car
If your gonna bring one, you better have it somewhere you can reach it IF you need it

I keep mine under the armrest
Mine is right between the buckets. Luckily I had it mounted there. One year I was going for a ride when a rag on the road got sucked up into the engine compartment. Landed on the header and lit right up. Pulled off the side of the road (my buddy was following me in his Chevelle) And we quickly took off the hood and put it out. Only burned some of the insulation on a couple wires. I always recommend having an extinguisher with you.

Fred B
Scart 1 006.JPG
I lost a 68 SS Chevelle 396 car the same way that bee went up.

Saddest day of my life till the next day. The neighbor offered me his 67 Satellite, 383 4-spd drag car for $1400 bucks. 4:56 gears and 11:1 bored engine was like a different world from that tired chevy.

That was the day I became a MOPARMAN. :thumbsup:
I lost a 68 SS Chevelle 396 car the same way that bee went up.

Saddest day of my life till the next day. The neighbor offered me his 67 Satellite, 383 4-spd drag car for $1400 bucks. 4:56 gears and 11:1 bored engine was like a different world from that tired chevy.

That was the day I became a MOPARMAN. :thumbsup:

I had the same thing happen to my 1969 440 Magnum Roadrunner, except a fire extinguisher wouldn't have helped because it was intentionally set with 5 gallons of gas poured into the interior though the windshield they broke out.
The police in that town disliked me so much they wouldn't investigate it, even though I and probably they also knew who did it.
Found out years later he got shot and killed by some guy while he was in bed with the guy's Wife. :D
I lost a 68 SS Chevelle 396 car the same way that bee went up.

Saddest day of my life till the next day. The neighbor offered me his 67 Satellite, 383 4-spd drag car for $1400 bucks. 4:56 gears and 11:1 bored engine was like a different world from that tired chevy.

That was the day I became a MOPARMAN. :thumbsup:

Good for you! Still sux to loose a vehicle though!

Got my Barracuda about 2 weeks after that fire and the first addition was an extiguisher mounted were seen above. Did not bother to fill the holes in that trim panel during restoration cause I knew it was going back in! Think this is the third one that has stayed there. Only had to use it once and not on the Barracuda!
Keep it where you can reach it with belts on
I had a good fire start on the final test drive in the Pop doing 120! Had a 2 lb in the trunk and it just put the engine fire out. I now carry a 10 lb. Everyone make sure your throttle cable is not rubbing on the wiring harness, not only me it happened to.
Yes the air cleaner is gone it was a temp also.
Got my hal-guard fire extinguisher mounted right in front of the split bench on drivers side, easy to get to and out of the way, will post some pics,

Also remember that a chemical fire extinguisher will only save a life or possibly the whole car but will not minimize damage, the halotron fire extinguishers will not damage electronics and have no chemical mess to clean.

I wont ever mount a dry chemical fire extinguisher in any of my vehicles

To the OP, I think that's a nice job! It would be wise though, to add another inside the car as stated. .....but I do like your installation.