First port job



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2009
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I would like some feedback from some of you more experienced head porters. I started this a few years ago, set it aside, and recently got back at it. I know a few things now that I didn't when I first started, and may have made a few mistakes that can't be undone.

1) I whittled the intake guide bosses down probably more than I should have. Do they look ok? Intake and exhausts are going to need guide inserts anyway. Can the guide insert hang past the guide boss this little bit, or do they have to sit flush?

2) I nicked one of the intake seats with my bit, and got too close to one of the exhaust seats. The exhaust seat doesn't have much sealing surface in the area where I got in too close. Will this require a trip to the machine shop to fix, will it seal alright as it is, or did I make a fancy door stop. Are exhaust seat inserts a viable option here?

I didn't see this until I did a light lap job. Probably should have done that FIRST so I could see them better and avoid hitting them.

If everything looks like it will check out and be feasible cost-wise, I plan on using these heads on a street engine. If I've ruined them, at least now I know a few things to do differently, and a few things NOT to do! This has been a great learning experience and kind of fun. Any tips and pointers will be graciously accepted. Thanks FABO friends!


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If you have guides installed, you HAVE to re-do the seats so have the machine shop do a nice 35-45-60 valve job on the intake, and a radius on the exhaust...easy!
If you didn't poke any holes in the head, your doing great!
You are going to need to use thin wall seat inserts, because if you use the thicker ones, they will interfere with the other valve where the two meet. There is not much room there and you don't want the other insert to hit the cutter when you machine the seats, it will knock it off center and make the seat out of round...

Also try not to grind too much off near the guides. Leave some meat there to support the guides...

Other than that, it's looking good, keep practicing...