Fitech or Holley sniper on tunnel ram



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Sep 1, 2010
Reaction score
Hello FABO, and Happy New Year to all!

I have been looking around on the internet and have not seen a tunnel ram application using EFI where the throttle bodies are mounted sideways. Looking at images on Fitech site showing dimensions of throttle bodies it looks like they may be too wide to mount in this orientation. I've messaged Fitech but havent heard back yet. This would save having to buy new linkage, and re drilling manifold top. Has anyone seen this, or done it this way?
Sorry, thought that was what you were looking for, hopefully someone will have an answer for you.
Do these help.
Fyi, made my linkage, dirt cheap, fitech throttle cable mount is overpriced though.
There might be room, but the biggest issue is the harness between them might not be long enough. It goes from the front of the rear tb to the back of the front tb.

Performance is great, adjustments from the driver's seat. For very cold starts I'll turn the key on, off, on, and hold the pedal down slightly, very little, tr needs it. Any other time wait for pump to prime, flick key, running.

I had an issue with my in tank pump and pressure gauge, go figure, which was killing second gear and causing me to incorrectly increase the accel pump/fast accel, and probably the decel as well.

FiTech is sending me a new pump, s/b here this week, no charge, beyond warranty period.

Actually, with the correct pressure I bet my cold start method will no longer be necessary.

It s/b 58psi and with a new gauge mine was under 40 when primed and 28psi when running. I can't imagine full pressure, s/b a different animal.
I do not have a tunnel ram, but rather a blower and went through this when I switched from the carbs to the Fitech. The carbs were mounted sideways as you are asking, and I of course had the linkage set up as such:


Upon getting the Fitech, yes they are shaped slightly differently and would not fit the way the carbs were I had to rotate them. But because I cut the hood previous to make way for the linkages on the carbs, I wanted to continue to keep it as much the same as I could. So what I did was also rotate the linkage in the same direction and moved the 'main bar' to the back as opposed to the side and made new linkages up to make it work.

I had to also go with a new throttle cable (Lokar) as the stock one I had been using was not giving me enough travel to get wide open throttle on the Fitechs. With a bit of playing around I got it eventually, but figuring that out was probably the most tedious part because I had to redo that part of the throttle linkage. Here is how it looks with everything shifted. A bit of work, but I kept it pretty close to how it was with carbs, though I did have to turn them.


Here is a photo of someone with them set up as you were asking on a blower, but I am not sure what size it is. Definitely not a 6-71 like mine.


Hope that helps
One of the best things with the FiTech - return springs are on the butterfly shafts.
No need for multiple return springs in all directions getting in the way. Really cleans things up.
I believe you can wind them in or out as well if needed, but they work as is for me.

I would think carbs would have this modern marvel in 2019.

As far as drilling your manifold again, the tbs have two sets of mounting holes, not sure what the other set is for, but maybe you wouldn't have to re-drill.

You could probably sell your linkage and have enough to cover any costs converting to inline.

There is 1 dual quad inline linkage out there, it's crap and pulls from below the tbs, it ended up bending my rear tb tab. This caused issues with the IAC settings, forcing the 2 tbs to be out of sync. Once I added the $20 linkage I could adjust the front which would move the rear the same amount, then adjust the rear until it pulls the front, then back it off. Possibly an inline benefit, definitely an issue where I had to remind myself to use the kiss principle and not immediately blame the efi.

I recently put new bolts in with lock nuts, and brought the cable stud out farther, need to trim the ends still. Also added the gauge right on the tb, clean and simple, although it can't be indexed, it's highly visible from the driver's seat. No additional lines either.

I had to modify the end of the Lokar cable, but it was very easy.

One of the best things with the FiTech - return springs are on the butterfly shafts.
No need for multiple return springs in all directions getting in the way. Really cleans things up.
I believe you can wind them in or out as well if needed, but they work as is for me.

I would think carbs would have this modern marvel in 2019.

As far as drilling your manifold again, the tbs have two sets of mounting holes, not sure what the other set is for, but maybe you wouldn't have to re-drill.

You could probably sell your linkage and have enough to cover any costs converting to inline.

There is 1 dual quad inline linkage out there, it's crap and pulls from below the tbs, it ended up bending my rear tb tab. This caused issues with the IAC settings, forcing the 2 tbs to be out of sync. Once I added the $20 linkage I could adjust the front which would move the rear the same amount, then adjust the rear until it pulls the front, then back it off. Possibly an inline benefit, definitely an issue where I had to remind myself to use the kiss principle and not immediately blame the efi.

I recently put new bolts in with lock nuts, and brought the cable stud out farther, need to trim the ends still. Also added the gauge right on the tb, clean and simple, although it can't be indexed, it's highly visible from the driver's seat. No additional lines either.

I had to modify the end of the Lokar cable, but it was very easy.

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Nice looking setup you have. Here is the mounting orientation of the top plate I am going to face. I could possibly mount them inline facing forward with a custom linkage arm between the two.