67 Barracuda uk
I’ve got milling machines - so we will be able to mill them flat if necessary.We never came up with a good reason why there was so much tolerance allowed from head to head. All I can say is we were not the first to see this. For whatever reason Chrysler apparently didn't see the need to hold a close relationship from the mounting bolt pattern to the port openings. You'll find this to some degree on the intake side as well.
If you have the capacity to machine the flanges flat IMO you'll be far ahead of the game in terms of sealing. And if they are actually straight and flat you can cut away the excess flange between center ports and the ends. I wouldn't do that with TTIs normally because the centers help pull the ends flat, or flatter anyway.
PS. If you do need to recoat - look into Zircotech on your side of the pond for several nice zirconiumdioxide options.
Good idea about the support from middle to end. Removing it will help pull the header down.