[WANTED] Fliptop gas cap adapter

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The only one I've seen were the ones that 4mulaSvaliant had on FlipTopCapAdapter.com but that sites been down for a while and I haven't seen him on the forum for a long long time...
If you get a hold of one send it to me first and I'll pay you $30 to use it as a mold to start making them since that guy doesn't want to do it anymore. Thanks, Steve
Didn't he make 2 different types - one for early A's and the other for 67-later? If so, I have one for the early A but will be using it - eventually!
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i have one that i bought for my 69 dart..

will have to look for it over the weekend if you are interested.

I was not able to find it when I looked around in my garage.

Will let you know if it pops up later.

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