Flying man

oops sorry for some reason when i first clicked the link it sent me to a video of a man getting mauled by a grizzly bear, and he was from vancouver island, hence me saying "heyyy im from vancouver island too haha"
oops sorry for some reason when i first clicked the link it sent me to a video of a man getting mauled by a grizzly bear, and he was from vancouver island, hence me saying "heyyy im from vancouver island too haha"

I was trying to edit out the commercial (to no avail) but during that time one of the other videos in that clip may have been linked. Sorry `bout that! Did you ever get to the flying man? I`ve got to get a ride on that thing.
I was trying to edit out the commercial (to no avail) but during that time one of the other videos in that clip may have been linked. Sorry `bout that! Did you ever get to the flying man? I`ve got to get a ride on that thing.

haha no worries! ya the second time i clicked the link after seeing someone else had seen the flying man, it took me to the correct video. haha i wonder how many times it took him to crash before working out all the kinks?