F'n Insurance Co.

I have American also.
I got it thru a friend of a friend that was an insurance agent who carried American Hobbyist on his LS6 Chevelle. He personally called American, sent them a bunch of digitals and 15 minutes later I was covered.
They only ask that once a year that I send them an odometer statement.

Just 2 weeks ago my big boss asked me to get his Impala out of storage and we discussed insurance on it and he mentioned that he was considering Haggerty so we contacted them thru their website.
What a waste of time. They put us thru a long application process just to tell us that they could not cover the car because it was not a 'collector' car.

Kept in a locked garage, under cover and up on jack stands with a very nasty(to strangers) rotty on the grounds.

Did they make a mistake? He now has American.


