For anyone who orders pizza!



Ok guys i don't want this to sound bad but i need to vent!
When you order pizza there are a few things that would help a driver out!
1. Turn on your porch light
2. If you stand on the side walk at night and cant see your numbers please think of us and move them or make them bigger
3. If you live in an apartment please put the name of it when you order!
4. tips are what we live off of! I get it you might be mad if your pizzas late but it not the drivers fault! Still tip them please.

Iv been delivering pizza for two months in my 64 wagon and its hard on her! All I'm asking is please do what you can for them! Thanks for hearing me out
Unfortunately, the people that you have to explain this too will never understand and will be the first to call and complain.

What kind of comments do you get when they see your car?

I managed a few pizza places back in the 80's and on Friday nights when we got swamped I would have to make a few deliveries. I got some good tips and some confused looks when they seen a dual quad Dart sitting in their driveway.
I'm with ya guy. I do Dominos and i do tip well. They know my place by heart. It's the place with the "Lab Crossing" sign on the mailbox post. 2 Supremes with anchovies and jalepenos. For pete sakes dont put any pineapple on it either. Never got any pizza with any foriegn objects on em either. Maybe next time.
Small Block
Hey Mopar Boy if you bring me a large meat lovers, I'll tip you 20.00! Of course I'm in Tampa Fl. Do you have the 30 min Guarantee or it's free deal going? No I wish I could get one delivered, I live so far out in the woods, they gotta pump sunshine to me! Vent man vent, it's healthy for you.
I used to deliver pizza's in my 66 dart gt convertable....them was the good old day's
Man, I feel bad for ya.

If you were close, I'd order three larges and tip you ten bucks righ now, especially since I have hunger pains after reading your post....LOL.

I hated, absolutely hated delivering pizzas back when I was a zit faced punk kid.

I can tell you some crazy stories of how to get back at azzule customers, for instance one of the milder get evens was when a real idiot customer complained of not wanting ice in his coke and literally going off the deep end over the phone because his coke was delivered with ice.
Well, they sent another driver out with his non-iced coke but made sure it spent 5 minutes in the microwave first and the styro-cup kept it nice and hot for the drop zone.

You wanna talk about one whizzed of guy.

He called the manager and the manager chewed out the guy that did it, then the manager thought about what an *** the customer had been for so long and then started laughing when he thought it was exactly what he needed to get rid of that jerk wad for good.

You don't want to know about the hot peppers or the calzone bread, no way, it's go to jail material.
Hey, if you don't follow these rules for the pizza guy, do it for the fire department, except we don't expect a tip.
pizza delivery...aint gonna happen out here neither....
That's a good question! The gf and myself like delivery, we have it every so often. Its usually around 25 bucks or so. Is the tip out the same it would be for a restaurant?
What is a good tip for a $15.00 pizza. Im thinking 2-3 bucks am I being a bad tipper?

That's a good question! The gf and myself like delivery, we have it every so often. Its usually around 25 bucks or so. Is the tip out the same it would be for a restaurant?

I usually follow the restaurant rules, just 'cause. That's what? 15%? I usually go 20% simply because some of these guys usually have to put up with some real a-holes.

My wife's cousin used to deliver pizzas in a college town. Hardly ever got tips 'cause a lot of the college kids could barely scrape together enough cash to pay for the pizza, let alone tip her, so I guess it's one of those things when it happens to family you feel for the guy who's not.

As someone said, too: if the numbers are too small for the pizza guy to read, think about the emergency services you may depend on. Yeah, the guys on the pumper may be able to see when the house is engulfed, but if it's the guys in the rescue squad or the paramedics or the EMTs or the cops or who have you...
I'm with ya guy. I do Dominos and i do tip well. They know my place by heart. It's the place with the "Lab Crossing" sign on the mailbox post. 2 Supremes with anchovies and jalepenos. For pete sakes dont put any pineapple on it either. Never got any pizza with any foriegn objects on em either. Maybe next time.
Small Block

Small Block That pizza sounds. I love anchovies on pizza!
Thank you ramenth for pointing that out about the emergency workers. As an Firefighter/EMT nothing more aggrevating when trying to respond to help someone that every second counts and not being able to find the residence because no house #'s posted or not clearly visible.
So One just to let you all know I'm a girl. lol
Most of us drivers are happy with $2, cause its better than nothing but our pizzas are on sale for $10 any size so people save more money but they don't seem to want to tip at all. I even had this fat mean stoner guy who got pissed cause HE did not order what he wanted! I also think time of day and how easy it is to get to your house should play a part in what you tip. Because i drive my wagon i do get a few comments and a little car talk but nothing more. I get about 25 miles to the gallon and that eats up a lot of my tips. But i took this job cause one i needed one to keep her on the road and i can spend all day in her and not feel like I'm working! Thanks again guys and if you don't fix your numbers for food you should do it for your safety!
Alot of people that order pizza don't want big identifying house numbers at their home so that it makes it harder for the cops to find their house. LOL.
The local pizza place adds a delivery fee of $1.50 or $2.00. I've never known if I am still expected to tip or not. I usually still do, but do I need to?
So One just to let you all know I'm a girl. lol
Most of us drivers are happy with $2, cause its better than nothing but our pizzas are on sale for $10 any size so people save more money but they don't seem to want to tip at all. I even had this fat mean stoner guy who got pissed cause HE did not order what he wanted! I also think time of day and how easy it is to get to your house should play a part in what you tip. Because i drive my wagon i do get a few comments and a little car talk but nothing more. I get about 25 miles to the gallon and that eats up a lot of my tips. But i took this job cause one i needed one to keep her on the road and i can spend all day in her and not feel like I'm working! Thanks again guys and if you don't fix your numbers for food you should do it for your safety!

For some reason your post made me think about tipping pizza deliverers which sorta goes a long way in every service industry job.
I am talking about appearance.
I think if you look clean cut, without prison pants and nose rings, tatoos, ect, chances are the tip is going to better when the customer thinks the deliverer will most likely be saving up for a better future instead of blowing their tip money on drugs and booze.
We tip $10 to the Pizza delivery guys.

We always get the Pizza from the same place (Porky's Pizza in Huntington Beach), and my son is long-time friends with all the guys that work there.
The local pizza place adds a delivery fee of $1.50 or $2.00. I've never known if I am still expected to tip or not. I usually still do, but do I need to?

The delivery fee goes to something for something lol! i don't know but whatever we get tipped is ours. So yes please still tip!
I spent a few years delivering both Chinese food, and pizza/Italian food.

First job after getting my license was at the Chinese place. What a hoot. Driving around in their '75 Pinto, totally thrashing it, but making great tips. More than a few cases of beer wandered out the back door, and even a case of Tequila one night. Boy, that was fun :toothy10:.

And don't ask about the eggrolls.

The one thing that we do miss about living in the sticks, is the total lack of delivery. We used to live on it. The local drivers loved coming to our house, cause we tipped well.

Always tip the driver.