Found 69 cast 340



Active Member
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
Mansfield, TX
Found a 340 cast 7-11-69 which would be for a 1970 model car. VIN # E134914. The short block has history from California. I would like to reunite it with the car it was built with. I am in Texas

340 engine 0E 134914 was previously reported on Facebook on June 11, at 3:06 PM

It is from a Challenger and LA did not make convertibles, so the only possible full VIN for the car it came from would be JH23H0E134914
Tool stamping looks to be modified, inconsistent type and size.
July build for the new model year? Thought that was Aug?
July build for the new model year? Thought that was Aug?

I thought it was June for the cut off date, July was the next year It takes a few weeks from casting to build dates and ready to put in the car.
I thought it was May!
Many years ago, at the shop, we always ordered parts according to that addage, never had a problem.
Anybody know the cutoff month for sure??
The 1970 model year started August 1st, 1969 and ended July 31, 1970.
My 340 was dated 5/22/69. Came out of a 70 340 swinger. Was the factory motor for that car. Pan rail was stamped with the 70 numbers. Kim