found some neat stuff



Dec 5, 2008
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arvada, co:)
this weekend we went out to my grandparents house. they are fixin on moving into my great aunts house now that she is in the nursing home. well i found some of her dead husbands guns. he was in the service and had 3 rifles and 3 pistols one being my grandpas. we cant figure exactly what one gun is. it looks like japanese or chinese writing on it but the gun itself seems german to me. what do you all think.

i also found a manual tranny sitting around as a garden ornament. never seen something quite like it. maby model t era stuff?? i really dont know. but the brake and clutch pedal were both attached to the trany and the clutch fork enters from the top i believe. also the rear pinion has a built in u-joint. probably bad description but will see if i can get some more pics in a few weeks and hopefully get it in the shed or garage just outta the weather. the pic of the trany is to large to i will try to get some different ones later


that is what i was thinkin it was. it was not is government issued gun. we think he just collected it somehow. he was an amazing guy. it has stayed dry and still moves easy. top pulls back clean and both magiznes come out clean to. we havent tried to fire it yet but will try. anything we should do before we shoot it? i am pretty gun retarted just know to respect them and can shoot them thats about it. any idea how much it would be worth?
8mm!! I never herd of that caliber before, Great info Joe, and a nice pistol tyler.
ya i hadent either. it is cool. we found that pistol along with his service weapon a remington .45, any my grandpas lil revolver. also a old school .22 with the hex barrel, a double barrel shotgun that seems very very old. maby pre war maby a long ways before the war we didnt know, and what looks like a japanese soldier rifle that has a bayonet. that one is my favorite but stupid me didnt take pics lol
I would strongly recomend getting those things checked out by a good gunsmith before you put any rounds downrange in 'em. Some WWII vintage Japanese guns were pretty questionable towards the end of the war. Some were known to be more dangerous to the shooter than the intended target!
I agree with Ontos. Bring it to a good gunsmith before firing it. No point in taking chances. Finding ammo for that will be difficult but not impossible. I saw a box of 50 going for about 75 bucks, but all ammo is crazy high priced right now.

Get a pic of the rifle next time. It'll most likely be an Arisaka model 99 in 7.7 japanese. 7.7 jap is pretty hot round but like ontos said, the quality of a lot of these are suspect and it should be brought to a good gunsmith. The accuracy of these rifles was quite poor even in really good condition. I know, I have one that my Father captured in WWII. I bought a box of 20 rounds of 7.7 Japanese loaded by Norma back in the late 80's and it was not cheap. 22 bucks IIRC. The first memorial day after my Father passed way I fired 7 rounds in his honor and never fired it again.

The pistol would probably bring more than the rifle but values are not very high. They are keepsakes and heirlooms more than anything else.

Thanks Mike! I studied up on this stuff since my Dad had fought in the Pacific.

Here's a website by Canadian college proffesor that has everything you'd ever want to know about the Nambu:
sweet. i really would not want to sell them but figured it might be cool to see how much they would be worth. and i agree a gunsmith would be a good idea lol. thanks for all the info
the hand gun is probably chambered in 7.62 mm as 8mm was a rifle cartridge. and yes have them checked please cause the japs ran very large head spacing which lead to blow by and you can get hurt in a hurry
oh and p.s. 7,62 mm ruffly translates to 32 auto and in most cases they will interchange......i too have a couple of lugers from ww2
A Remington 1911 can be quite a collector's item. Sounds like an exciting find. :)