Freak hit and run today !



Dec 10, 2005
Reaction score
Boise, Id
I drove my 1993 Mazda B2600 4x4 to work today and parked out back . I drive the Zamboni for our ice rink and the facility is backed up against the freeway .
My coworker starts waiving at me while I am cutting the ice… she tells me my truck was hit by a runaway semi tire !
I just finished restoring this truck ! Urgh…. The semi never stopped ! I call the hwy patrol and they come out . They filed an accident report then went to look for the truck . Nothing so far .
A few hours later it occured to me that this is a FRONT wheel ! WTF ! How does a tractor lose a front wheel and not stop !




Sucks, the dmg doesn't look too bad at least :( good lookin truck.. That's not a rotary is it?
Bummer. I know how you feel. I had just finished restoring my 1998 Dakota when the MORON across the street piled into it and totaled it. I swear I would still have that truck now otherwise. It was a 4 cyl 5 speed and I loved it.
Maybe that was a spare tire. FWIW, that looks like a pretty easy repair.
Yeah … not worried about repair . I can handle that . But where did the truck go ?
And am I wrong about it being a front tire ?
Tag axle? Like the auxiliary wheel that can be deployed on the bigger dump trucks when they are loaded to the max? Thats what I'm thinking it is.
Bummer. I know how you feel. I had just finished restoring my 1998 Dakota when the MORON across the street piled into it and totaled it. I swear I would still have that truck now otherwise. It was a 4 cyl 5 speed and I loved it.
Maybe that was a spare tire. FWIW, that looks like a pretty easy repair.View attachment 1716277468
Your neighbor must have been going fast to total your truck, either way I hate that happened to your truck. Hope he had insurance.
Bummer. I know how you feel. I had just finished restoring my 1998 Dakota when the MORON across the street piled into it and totaled it. I swear I would still have that truck now otherwise. It was a 4 cyl 5 speed and I loved it.
Maybe that was a spare tire. FWIW, that looks like a pretty easy repair.View attachment 1716277468

Tag axle? Like the auxiliary wheel that can be deployed on the bigger dump trucks when they are loaded to the max? Thats what I'm thinking it is.
Not likely has a brake drum still attached to it.
Run an add in the local paper "if their`s such a thing" , They`ll be happy to come pick it up, then only release it when they provide insurance papers and an admission of guilt. Use their insurance to fix your truck.
People who do hit and run usually don't have any insurance. I think if they are caught they should be made to pay for all damages and lose their license for at least 6 months
i *think* any axle that has contact with the roadway needs to have brakes, including lift/retractors

but i haven't had to take the FMCSA test is a loooonnnggg time and that may have changed
That is exactly what the regs say online . So if the tire never touches the ground no brake required … lol
That is exactly what the regs say online . So if the tire never touches the ground no brake required … lol
a million years ago when i worked in fleet i asked the same question.

the haulers and lift bed trucks didn't have brakes on their aux axles because *technically* they were only deployed when unloading at the dump/site/etc and they never touched the roadway.

nifty loophole.

also, while working that job a unit came in missing a full set of duals off a trailer bogie. 1) how TF does *that* happen? 2) they never found them and 3) somehow nobody was fired