Free Degrees



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
Reaction score
I have 98 of them here and I only need 80.
Free shipping.
Ok, I just checked and our humidity is at 15%
I will swap you those 18 degrees for 5% of your humidity. (not 5%, but 5% of yours) :D
Probably close to the same anyway. LOL
Ok, I just checked and our humidity is at 15%
I will swap you those 18 degrees for 5% of your humidity. (not 5%, but 5% of yours) :D
Probably close to the same anyway. LOL

We just had visitors here from your state and they liked our "cool" weather.... :D

I think that they are smuggling a few degrees back with them, if the TSA doesn't catch them.... :p

Help yourself to all the humidity you want.... :)
We just had visitors here from your state and they liked our "cool" weather.... :D

I think that they are smuggling a few degrees back with them, if the TSA doesn't catch them.... :p

Help yourself to all the humidity you want.... :)

Thank you.
So they are going to come back to AZ and scalp degrees?:D
DAMMMIT. I thought you were referring to these "online college" degrees LMFAO

I invite any of you whiners to Florida! Come get you some of this! 81 right now, feels like temp is a 100! at midnight! Heat index this weekend in places 125 degrees.
And you guys laugh at us when it's cold up here in winter.... :icon_fU:

We're not baking like you guys in summer.... Ha, ha, ha..... :poke:
And you guys laugh at us when it's cold up here in winter.... :icon_fU:

We're not baking like you guys in summer.... Ha, ha, ha..... :poke:
I'm not laughing, I love the cold weather, I live for winters( not the snow). I run around all year long in shorts.
Anywhere on the great lakes is gross. My friend moved from here (high heat low humidity) to out east. Said you just sit there and sweat. And when you go to put on clothes from your closet so you're not sweaty? Your clothes in your closet are already wet.

Your clothes being wet is a bit of an exageration but being soaked in sweat as quick as you towel off after your shower is real .
Wet clothes are refrigeration you can wear.
The great thing about great lakes humidity is that once it's June, you can forget about jackets until late September.
If you don't need one in the morning, you won't need one after it gets dark.
In southern California, it gets cold as soon as the sun sets, and I feel cheated not having hot nights. Having to even think about putting on a jacket in the summer makes me cranky. Even thinking ABOUT jackets in June makes me cranky.