Freekin bastiges


Guitar Jones

aka Angry Johnny
May 24, 2004
Reaction score
Deltona, Florida
So our dealership was sold to another group (it's a Hyundai dealer). We had interviews and drug tests where everything was fine, they wanted to keep everybody, they took over this Monday.

So they make phone calls and offer a job to almost everyone except me and my younger son, this past Friday, my older son works there too. They don't call me or my younger son until Sunday evening to tell us that they don't hire family. WTF? This is a family owned company and you have plenty of your own family working there now but every one elses family is SOL?!?

I told the owner that he lied to me to right to my face in the interview and the way they handled the whole thing was BS. Needless to say they hired my older son because he was the only Equus certified tech there and they have to have one in order to sell them so they kept him. I'm glad for him but that was an f'ed up way of doing it, you all knew by Friday who you were going to offer a job to. So now I'm looking for another job at 56 years old. I'm so tired of this crap.
That is messed up. They did know who they were going to keep but did not have the balls to tell you. Good workers are hard to come by. You will have a new job quickly!
What a load of crap. Wish you the best of luck in your job hunt.....
Thanks guys, I have 5 offers already but all of them are farther than I want to drive, but what are you going to do. I wouldn't have been upset if I wasn't lied to, right to my freekin face by the new owner.

I made them give me a signed receipt that they received all my uniforms and shop keys before I left with my stuff. lol
I made them give me a signed receipt that they received all my uniforms and shop keys before I left with my stuff. lol

Sounds like a safe move.......Just wondering how much of a drive are you looking at?
I had the same kind of thing happen years back, where they sold the Internet provider where I worked.
The amount of lies right to the face were astounding.
Plus they took almost $300.00 from our pay and explained it by telling us that the new company took over a few days ago and they didn't have any responsibility to pay us.

I was pretty pissed, so now you have a little clue of how it could have been worse. :)
F'in dealers are the worst, aren't they? A dealer I worked at for over 8 years (also Hyundai) took on a partner. When the partner came on board, the dealer introduced me to him and went on to say how we just had our best month ever. A month later I was out on my *** so the partner could give his father my job. This business sucks. I feel for you, man!
GJ, I wish to hell I could offer more than sympathies. You obviously are a person of some accomplishment, and I'm sure this was a stupid move on their part. Might even have been a "way around" age discrimination. Good luck. I've read many of your very informative posts.

Sorry about your situation, really stinks. Like 67 said, with your knowledge and accomplishments, I'm sure that other doors will open for you. I am 56 also and my brother and I own a small engineering and mfg. business, about 20 personnel. In our situation, it is always a struggle to keep everyone working when things get slow and we always hate to lay off or let go of the good people.
start your own shop. or go in partners with someone and start your own. that way the younger son has something, can be his own boss when you retire. just an idea
Sounds like a safe move.......Just wondering how much of a drive are you looking at?

Two jobs are 35 miles one way, not terrible but the traffic is really bad. Both of these jobs pay well and they have plenty of work. One other job I'm considering is less money and 30 miles one way. Not as busy but traffic isn't so bad. I've been driving 20 miles one way.

Thanks guys for the kind words, I'm off to a couple interviews this morning.
fargin iceholes - honestly at your age you're in a protected age group. I would consult an attorney as it appears like discrimination and inconsistent. Why did they not state that "policy" in the interview process and why do UA? Unless they thought to try and get you with a dirty piss test. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

This is a family owned company and you have plenty of your own family working there now but every one elses family is SOL?!?
I have news for you guys (unfortunately) age, or any other, job discrimination is VERY difficult to prove, COSTS a tremendous amount for lawyers, and may not pay off in the end. It is, in fact, a huge gamble with very long odds.
Two jobs are 35 miles one way, not terrible but the traffic is really bad. Both of these jobs pay well and they have plenty of work. One other job I'm considering is less money and 30 miles one way. Not as busy but traffic isn't so bad. I've been driving 20 miles one way.

Thanks guys for the kind words, I'm off to a couple interviews this morning.

35 miles......rush hour traffic.......I would be in trouble......

Good that you are not wasting any time chasing down interviews. Does your son have anything lined up?
35 miles......rush hour traffic.......I would be in trouble......

Good that you are not wasting any time chasing down interviews. Does your son have anything lined up?

Yeah, he's had three offers, two with the same companies that I had offers from. Imagine that, they want both of us. lol
that's sucks man, i'm 58, if that were to happen to me i don't know what i would do.........i feel your pain.

good luck w/the job hunt.......
That's some BS! Don't hire family, that's some of the best people! But you mechanics usually can just take your tools and go anywhere!! I turned 50 at 3:30am this morning, June 13th i'll have 30 years with the same company, they stole my pension 14 years ago!!!! The whole deal SUCKS when the CEO made $13.4 million last year and I had a 2% raise in the last 8 years?????????? Now rumors of a layoff next Tuesday and Wednesday? If i'm let go and have 30 days to find another job within(but usually they close ALL transfers before a layoff) they will F**k me more because I didn't hit 30 years by one day!!!! Just SUCKS any way you look at it. Corporate management SUCKS in this country now! It's all about the mighty dollar! What is she going to do with $13.4 million, made $7 million the year before????????????????? WTF!!!!! You got me going now!!! I better just end now!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah, these days management tell you your lucky you have a job!!! I've had upper management at a all hands meeting say that if you want a steady job go work at a FUNERAL HOME!!!!! WTF these people gotta go!!!!!!