Friend needs prayers please

Definitely in our prayers. With the state of the world today it is refreshing to see people that are not afraid to talk about God and prayers. The character of FABO members continues to make me come back to the site day after day.
I thought I would share a bit of good news today. My friend got his first good report from his doctor, his eyes look better. They still don't know what caused the swelling and damage to his eyes or which of the several methods of treatment were effective, but his eyesight is not getting any worse!

He can still drive using special high-tech glasses, daytime only.

It looks like his employer is going to keep him.

Thank you everybody who prayed and sent positive thoughts. The situation was looking very grim for a long time, but now things have turned around. Thank you FABO members for your support!
Well that great!Hoping he continues to improve and yes,good news is nice to hear.8)
Glad to hear your friend Paul is keeping his employment and continueing to be strong in his stuggle with his condition.:cheers:
glad to hear hes improving! prayers sent, and I hope his doctors are working with him at least...
That is some great news to hear today goldfish65 :cheers:
I just went back and did more :read2: on this thread
Prayers sent to a strong and good man keeping his chin up and doing well as can be
I am so glad he has friends around him like you :happy10: He must be one of the good folks out there:happy10:
Prays Sent Life Seems Unfair At Times But The Lord Only Puts The Load On You That He Knows You Can Carry. It Is His Light At The End Of The Tunnel. The Rest Of Us Need To Remember How Lucky We All Are. Bless You For Being That Friend My Man, You Fill Be Rewarded. Steve