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Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
i have always thought that facebook is silly in that sooooo many ppl will add you as a friend, then hardly ever talk to just see lots of pointless garbage the your "friend" does, but not soo much direct communication.

Its almost like they are "collecting" friends

well who needs facebook when we have FABO and we already have lots of conversation starters here bcoz we all speak Mopar in the same A- body dialect here.

so the point of this is : (since i always like to have a point)

is dont be surprised if you revieve a random PM from me......saying something to the effect of "hello, how are you" " i give a damn about you enough to send you a personal message to see how YOU are doing" LOL

now that Mr. Badlilred had his accident it makes me think .......i have actually bought parts from him about if i would have said HI....instead of just completing the transaction only.

so again with my points: we are like a family here and each member is important .....if one of us has a mis-fortune it ripples through the whole community.

so if you get a random PM from me.......dont be afraid to reply.....or you can just say "oh crap i got a PM from that crazy girl" and delete it ....your choice ..just giving fair warning LOL
I don't have a Facebook, myspace, tweeter,etc...account any longer. I felt like someone was watching over my shoulder and also there is to much drama over there.

I "collect" friends on here but I see them just about everyday posting so I don't have to contact them that much. I check on Cliff every so often when he hasn't posted in awhile for example.
I like Fabo a lot better than 2FACEBOOK. Lol. I don't use Facebook because it's just to much like Driving a Chebby.
You make a good point. You never know when your number is up. If you just want to say hi or anything you can pm me. That goes for any of you fine folks here. We ALL need to stick together.
Its ok,I have found that most girls are"that crazy girl" PM on!!!!
Hello everyone, my name is Keith, feel free to fill up my PM box, I'll return the favor :glasses7:
I am not sure what to say but go a head PM me or maybe i will PM you just to say hi
you can just say "oh crap i got a PM from that crazy girl" and delete it ....your choice ..just giving fair warning LOL

Crazy girls seem to be my favorite kind. Unfortunately, it's always the "stab you in the eye while you're sleeping" kind of crazy. :(
Fair wheather friends are so easy to find, it happens here and on facebook so talkin smack about facebook when you don't frequent there doesn't make much sense??? Do you keep in contact with your friends when they are in a bad way? wheather it be on facebook or on here or in person? you should practice what you preach....Just Sayin :p... theres an old american saying: Kettle calling the pot black...learn that one grasshopper :) and for someone not allowed to have a facebook account you seem to know a lot about facebook? care to explain? just wondering??? I'm new at this
Rani, I, for one would never think "OMG, I got a PM from that crazy girl". I've always enjoyed your posts and I like the interaction we have on "chat" when I get there.
I return all my pm's and enjoy getting them very much, and like Rani I have sent some out not to hear back, ( but that is fine) I have a face book page I enjoy with folks and family.....
I enjoy a Pm and Rani (along with many) have some fun and inspiring conversation and questions :cheers: How ya doing :? not a pm to me :D I like a fun filled conversation ... :happy1:
If I get a simple how ya doing pm I jus smile and say great...
Send me more and I Will take the time to reply and add to a pm
Wow This is a good point Rani, I get it some times my self.. Just a Thang :happy1:
I despise trying to use facebook for ANYTHING about all I ever do is when someone says "I posted it on my facebook page, I have to go over there and eff around until I get that figured out. "social media" What BS that is. The most ANTI social medial on the planet. I don't "twit" either.

But I think we coud cut this young lady some slack? I don't think I could go to HER country, learn the language, and become one with the community, nor learn to work on whatever cars they might have over there.