Friggin Tree

Wonder what they're doin to your plumbing?

That’s actually the main concern about the roots because the water main is between our house and his.
Out here roots actually go looking for water, and we have garden areas. (Like 6) plus pots and tubs here and there.
Maybe a strange concept for where you live to have shrubs and trees go water huntin. :D
Anyone ever step on a dried Sweet gum ball barefooted? like a damn punji stick !
I have 3 japanese maples 1 is about 30 feet tall, a weeping birch 60 feet est. A large 80-90 ft maple, sycamore 80-90 ft tall, 4 large spruce, 2 doug fir, 2 cedars. A tree that grows bean pods ? 27 large rhododendrons, 2 dogwoods, 12 other needled trees I don't know, a big tree that grows purple berries in the summer. 2 Very large cherry blossom. After 2 straight months of cleaning up after them I'm still raking leaves. Also I'm surrounded by atleast 1,000,000,000 Apple trees.
Had to remove pine and oak trees , both heavy pollen producers. My wife was having to take a max dose of Zyrtec everyday. I love plants in general so I replaced them them with other species.
That allergy medicine at max dose is a shitty way to go about ones day
I tend to not get involved in these types of discussion however you and I have something common. If roots reach your property systemic herbicides applied to them may be legal. I will be looking into Tordon 22k and other herbicides . I went out and hammered over my fenders to get clearance on my 69 barracuda with 73 dart BBP disks and tires touching fenders while thinking of my neighbours tree. I think I am going to invest in a drone that has night vision and can release a payload . Just some thoughts
I tend to not get involved in these types of discussion however you and I have something common. If roots reach your property systemic herbicides applied to them may be legal. I will be looking into Tordon 22k and other herbicides . I went out and hammered over my fenders to get clearance on my 69 barracuda with 73 dart BBP disks and tires touching fenders while thinking of my neighbours tree. I think I am going to invest in a drone that has night vision and can release a payload . Just some thoughts
Talking about herbicides on a tree not on your property ?
That can be very dangerous down the road for you or your neighbor, I've seen it happen.
Mostly from dummies & sawing roots though but it could have the same affect, just fyi
I feel your pain we have two near our house
If the limbs overhang you property, you may have the right to have them trimmed back. If they're big ones, you may can get your insurance company or his to pay for it.
Not here...we had a guy trim the overhanging branches to the property line and the tree fell over due to being imbalanced. Got sued and lost. Same with roots, same situation where someone cut the roots on their side of the fence and the tree died. Called in a arborist and blew the defense right out the water.
Had a 30 ft mulberry tree in my yard.. Thing dtopped ****-berries all over. Stuck to your shoes like epoxy.. Plus its roots were invasive as hell.
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No more ****-berries!

I have a mulberry tree story.
We have LOTS of cottonwood trees here in southcentral Alaska. In the spring it looks like it's snowing outside when the wind blows those things start BLOOMING That stuff gets in EVERYWHERE, if you leave your garage door open you are doomed.