front end raised up



New Member
Oct 11, 2012
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new york
65 Barracuda front end raised up. Now the steering linkage is geometrically incorrect and steering box twists. Do I need to modify or replace Pittman arms?
what do you mean the steering box "twists" ? you might want to get a socket and ratchet on it and tighten it down.
show a pic of the car please and how did you liften it,straigt axle,balljoint extensions ??
I cant imagine adjusting the torsion bars actually caused the steering gear to move.
There are sevral members who have or had issues with the steering gear mounting on early As. Once it loosens and moves just a little the movement increases pretty quick.
Search here for various methods of repair where the K member mounting points are the fault.
Good luck with it.
Whenever you raise the height, the toe-in increases. I found that out when I wore out a pair of new tires in a 100 mi trip after adjusting the front height. By the same token, as the suspension ages and sags, the steering goes to toe out, which makes the car wander.

I got tired of going to alignment shops and paying big bucks for them to maybe do nothing or fuss about "not in the computer". I started adjusting toe-in myself using a tape measure front to back, which isn't hard if you have tires with straight channels (search the web). My cars drive perfectly straight, the steering wheel is clocked correct, and I have no abnormal tire wear. If tight linkage, you can adjust to 1/16" toe-in. Toe-in just compensates for play in the linkage that moves the front wheels on a RWD back (and out). Opposite on FWD since the front wheels pull. Ideally, the front wheels are exactly parallel when driving on either.