Frozen bleeder screw remover tool???

I guess it could work. but a map gas torch, pb blaster, and some patience work just fine also ... and a small ball peen !
you can do the same thing with a welding rod and a air chisel and a slightly modified round punch that fits the chisel and yes it works good if you have the room . and you wont damage any seals from the heat .
I cant see how. I have a small drill bit secured in a loose drill chuck,ream bleeder hole and spray some penetrating oil in.
Most often it will break loose.
Wheel cylinders are cheap, so no big deal if it needs to be replaced.
Calipers, same thing. There are drill and tap bleeder screw kits, used them a couple times.

I guess a shot of lube before the percussion tool would loosen bleeder.
Heat/cool several times works too. Especially removing lines.
Heat, Oil, left-handed drill bits, and a cool head will get you through.

And drill slow. Damage the bleeder seat and you're screwed. Ditto for busting drill bits.
gave me an idea with the hole plug. "Just get some vice grips on that..." Yeah, sure!
Check the parts store first to see if they are available. If so and you twist the bleeder off So what. You probably needed new ones anyway.
I've not actually tried it but heard of inserting a nail the size of the bleeder hole into the bleeder to help prevent it from collapsing and twisting off when trying to remove them - unless, of course, you've already broken it off.