Fuel tank sending unit



Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Belleville Canada
Ok so I finly took a look at my sending unit that I install last year,brand new and it reads 3/4 full when the float is moved all the way forward.Is there an fix for this,or do I have to get anouther one.I know there will be no return because its electrical.I tesred my gauge and it is good.The sending unit starts to read when its moved about 1/4 tank of gas in it.
Does it go to "F" when you move it all the way up by hand? Has this thing EVER worked right? Maybe the float has some gas in it and isn't floating correctly.
I have the same thing going on with the "new" sender I got too. I have not done it yet but I was just going to bend the rod that the float is on.

Nice to know I paid good money for some thing that does not work right. Then you cant send it back!
cudavert nope when moved by hand all the way she only reads 3/4 full.Hey burnt I will be the ginny pig witch way should I bend the rod up or down.This thing is brand new what a rip off lol.
cudavert nope when moved by hand all the way she only reads 3/4 full.Hey burnt I will be the ginny pig witch way should I bend the rod up or down.This thing is brand new what a rip off lol.

Well if you keep the old sender put it next to the new one and bend it to match the throw of the old one. If not then you have to guestimate. LOL But I would think up should do it.
cudavert nope when moved by hand all the way she only reads 3/4 full.Hey burnt I will be the ginny pig witch way should I bend the rod up or down.This thing is brand new what a rip off lol.

You know snake after rereading this I would say that bending the rod wont work for you. If it only goes to 3/4 of a tank with the the rod all the way up some thing is wrong with the sender. Bet you could bend the rod all you wanted and it will not read any more.

Did you ground the sender when you had it out and moved the sender by hand? Other than that I don't know what it could be. It should read full on the guage if you manualy did it.
I just installed a new one on my '68 Dart 2 days ago that I bought from someone here on FABO (new in the box).....I figured it was a Mopar unit, but after opening the box....I kinda had my doubts. It just didn't quite look like a factory replacement, and it was inexpensive. I hope it doesn't crap out. I haven't filled the tank more than 1/8 yet.
Ya it was grounded when tested.I did not keep the old one.Everthing is made to through away anymore.
I agree with burnt orange. If it's only reading 3/4 at the stop, I believe there is really nothing you can do to make it read full.
sounds like the arm contact or circuit board was installed or made incorrectly
not sure if it can be fixed as it's been years since i had one out
Is it the correct ohm? Seems that 10-90, or 10-75 is the correct one. Can't remember, but have the info somewhere. Search Jegs and Summit for fuel cells; correct sender, stating ohms for the make is there.
I was just talking about your problem with my Dad. He said: If you bend the rod near the pivot point, i.e. near the stop, you should get a little extra play (upward movement)--bend the rod down a bit. This may or may not work, however. For example, bending the rod may move it past the resistance wiring inside the housing, which would show no difference in the gauge reading. Keep in mind, if you bend the rod, you are also changing where the gauge registers E. In that case, you would have to drain the tank, pour a gallon or two in, and see where the gauge is reading to get your new "baseline" reading of E. I hope you can fix this problem.
I had this problem with another car I have, 1965 non-Mopar. The unit went and I bought another, it was a re-pop, cost about $50, would only read half full when full, took it back, they replaced it, same problem. Then I got one that cost more than 3 times as much, I don't think it was NOS but it may have been. I think it was just a high quality re-pop. Anyway, works perfectly. You may be having the same issue, cheap crap re-pop unit.
I bought a brand new tank and new sender from an aftermarket company last year and my first problem was the sending unit wouldn't seal tightly and leaked so I had to use my old original gasket and lock ring to get a good seal. Second problem is the false fuel level reading, I think I'm about 5 gallons off, it shows empty with fuel still in the tank.

Over the winter I've developed a slow leak in the fuel filler neck gasket, hopefully with warmer weather that will fix itself???
Check the ohms, with involves pulling the sender, but you are pulling it anyway. There are 3 different ones, as far as ohms. Mopar, gm, and ford.
I have read that most fuel senders sold in the markplace today are actually made for GM cars. SO they will never have the right resistance values to work properly for a MOPAR fuel gauge. Someone on a another forum posted a company that does make the correct OHM unit. I'll see if I can find that info & post back here.
got mine from autozone and it worked good, not great but good, its off a hair but probably needs more tweaking i think it was like $60 a few years ago, spectra brand i think.