funny pictures

This one ran for a while when I still lived with my parents, at least 25 years ago

I have seen that we here in Aus had a show in about the late 90’s that showcased the most risqué advertisements from around the world and I remember that one once I started watching it
I have seen that we here in Aus had a show in about the late 90’s that showcased the most risqué advertisements from around the world and I remember that one once I started watching it
commecials back then were just better

here are three i remember

this one i didnt get as a kid, and it might be lost on the Americans on board, but since you're a colonial it may make sense to you
(at the end, the car si being advertised as the most quiet car on earth)

and finally this one...this one needs a language warning, but then again, its an add for language school
