funny pictures

OK, I really, really hate to admit this, but I think I am among friends. I have been putting bolts in cardboard for years when I paint them. About 12 years ago, when I painted the Barracuda with base/clear F8 green, I had a whole lot of bolts to paint green. Hood bolts, decklid bolts, fender bolts, front gravel shield bolds, etcetera. So I mounted them neatly and very organized in the top of a big cardboard box, and I labeled each group of bolts with a pencil. Then I painted them with sealer, paint and clear. What was I thinking. I painted over the labeling too. Duh! Sometimes I even outsmart myself.
Been there, done that!
Now I label on the backside of the cardboard.
OK, I really, really hate to admit this, but I think I am among friends. I have been putting bolts in cardboard for years when I paint them. About 12 years ago, when I painted the Barracuda with base/clear F8 green, I had a whole lot of bolts to paint green. Hood bolts, decklid bolts, fender bolts, front gravel shield bolds, etcetera. So I mounted them neatly and very organized in the top of a big cardboard box, and I labeled each group of bolts with a pencil. Then I painted them with sealer, paint and clear. What was I thinking. I painted over the labeling too. Duh! Sometimes I even outsmart myself.
the funny thing is, when i was reading that, the thought popped in my mind "hes gonna paint over the labels"
and sure enough

but dollars to donuts, that would have never occurred to me in the heat of working on it
:rofl: OK, I really, really hate to admit this, but I think I am among friends. I have been putting bolts in cardboard for years when I paint them. About 12 years ago, when I painted the Barracuda with base/clear F8 green, I had a whole lot of bolts to paint green. Hood bolts, decklid bolts, fender bolts, front gravel shield bolds, etcetera. So I mounted them neatly and very organized in the top of a big cardboard box, and I labeled each group of bolts with a pencil. Then I painted them with sealer, paint and clear. What was I thinking. I painted over the labeling too. Duh! Sometimes I even outsmart myself.
Have been guilty of out smarting many times.
Have been guilty of out smarting many times.
They worst part is when your doing a job, and then find a shortcut

Of course 3 hours into it you find out the short cut is a detour

And then it dawns on tried this short cut last time too!