funny pictures

Stupid broads. If you’re looking at them too much, they complain. If you pay them no attention they complain or think you’re gay.
Here is an indisputable truth: The likelihood of them being offended is directly proportional to how attractive the man is.

Old, ugly or short? Harassment.
Good looking or rich? Not a problem.
Stupid broads. If you’re looking at them too much, they complain. If you pay them no attention they complain or think you’re gay.
Here is an indisputable truth: The likelihood of them being offended is directly proportional to how attractive the man is.

Old, ugly or short? Harassment.
Good looking or rich? Not a problem.
Especially rich. Rich makes any guy good lookin to a woman.
Especially rich. Rich makes any guy good lookin to a woman.
Ever seen the meme of the young broad with the fat old guy ?

The caption read something along the lines of, I showed this to my son to remind him to stay in college, then I showed it to my daughter to remind her to stay in college
Ever seen the meme of the young broad with the fat old guy ?

The caption read something along the lines of, I showed this to my son to remind him to stay in college, then I showed it to my daughter to remind her to stay in college
No I have not. Sounds funny.
my eyes are vibrating!
no kidding, i got a headache just looking at it

reminds me of the hallway in the farmhouse i grew up in, that had a real grade to it (probably only a few degrees, but very noticable)
it had a black and white checkered pattern tile floor

coming home drunk, id ride that south wall the entire way down
Grandma’s kitchen was the same way 4”X4” black and white tiles made my eyes go crazy every time. Don’t know how she liked it.