Funny thing happened @ car show today!



Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
Aurora, IN
The thing that was so funny was we won a trophy for each of our daily drivers!!!! We went to a car show today to represent the A's. Thursday night we went to our local cruz in (1st time) not only did we represent but were the only mopars there!?!
Anyway the show today had all the fancy stuff too but I liked the Valiant Signet, the Lt blue swinger, the 64 Polara (NICE), GTX, and our 2 little Darts.
We stayed for the whole show. We usually leave early because we never expect to win anything, just like beeing there to take my mind off of my problems and look at Mopars. My wife has seen me sweatin her 67 to keep it running, as some of you fine members know due to helping me so much. Well, I was standing off to the side when trophies were handing out. (Top 50) I coul;d see car numbers on the cards before they were announcing, (I was kind of in the back due to our cars) I could see my wifes car number next and I turned with a big eyed dumb look on my face just in time for them to call her name! She lit up like a Christmas tree and started going back around the croud (I told you we didn't think we would win) ballin her eyes out!:crybaby: When she went up, she couldn't even utter thanks, she just cryed and grinned. She looked down at the next card about the same time as me and saw the next winner was me... Is there a tissue in the House?
I went up and said thanks for us both and they asked what was wrong. I told them nothing and she was just overwelmed. She went back over to the cars and I went back over to my place untill the other 4 awards were given out. (We were just about the last) When I sat down the lady next to me was still laughing at us. One of the party she was with asked why my wife was crying. I told her that we weren't people who ever win things or have things go our way, and that there has been bad times. She had seen me work so hard on her car just to keep it going (Can't afford to pay someone else to screw it up)that she felt I deserved to have recognition/verifacation of efforts. Another guy with the party said why would she ever cry over a trophy? Whatever..... I slinked out of the conversation to go back to the cars and the wife. I never knew she cared so much for our cars, she named her 67 Veronica! Jezz............ Just don't touch her car!
I suggested I could lay down her gas pump trophy she won today on her package tray and velcro it down.... I think she was picturing it last time I saw her when she left in her 67 and her cheap sun glasses to go to walmart!
Car **** from today....

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Congrat'sYou must be proud folks, I got a little choked reading your great day.
What a good feeling to see a great day. Thank you for sharing
They look like a very nice pair of A's to be proud of.
Congratulations 64dart. You seem like truly humble people.
I am keeping my white top now

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A touching story. It's a great feeling to get recognition when it's totally unexpected like that. I understand why your wife was crying, she was happy your work was noticed. What a great story to tell the grandkids.
:cheers:Thanks guys, you all are great. The wife was on clound nine the rest of the day. She's still in bed asleep! LOL! I'm still kind of in shock. The wife had keept saying yesterday that everyone would stop at the mustang next to us (won best of show 64 1/2) and turn to go over to the other side of the show with out looking at our cars. I told her to watch for the ones who do look because they will be the ones to talk Mopar A's. She told me before the trophy's were handed out, "You know you either like Mopars or you don't, and the people who do, REALLY like them". I told her that is why we only see an average of 4 out of every 100 are Mopar. There are only so many people with the love and dedication to own them. We can't just go out and buy new repro parts like the Fords and Chevys. Most of the part we find seem to be 40+ years old, besides everyone can't have good taste AND common sense!LOL!!
We are still wondering how it happened. The people who looked, liked, including the judges. People in the know there kept telling us that we were going to get recongnized due to them being daily drivers and clean originals. I really never beleived any of them due to so much bad crap happening all the time. It trully meant more to us than it meant to any of the guys who win trophy after trophy, small fortunes invested and only drive to shows. Truth be told it was just what we needed right now to brighten our outlook and it meant more to me than I could have ever imagined, even though I down played it in front of the wife. She'd probibly still be crying if she thought I gave a crap!!!!!LOL
Thanks for the thoughts, help and comments. Get out today and drive those A's!!!
congratulations!!!!that is an awesome story and i was glad to read it Thank's for sharing!!
Thats very nice. It is refreshing to hear of someone that actually doesn't expect to win and is that happy when they do. I judge for alot of shows in my area and I got to know ALOT of people. There are some guys that have actually complained and yelled at me because they didn't get a trophy...and that pisses my off. I love it when someone is so honestly and deeply touched.Congratulations to you and your wife.
Those are two nice cars. Presentation is everything. Looks like you did a nice job. Congratulations to you and the wife. More to come.
Small Block
That is a great story! I'm happy for both of you. It takes real dedication to drive those cars everyday, I admire that.

That part of your story about the Mustang parked next to you reminds me of a time I took my Duster to a car show when I still drove it on the street. It ran mid 11's in full street trim at the time. I was sitting on a bench across from where my car was parked, next to the bench were two 67 Camaro's both black, one SS and one RS, they were nicely done cars too mind you. Anyway I had a time slip on the dash of the Duster, a couple came by, both with cameras, and they stopped and looked at my car, they were looking it all over, underneath, inside, I mean everywhere for about 10 minutes. When they were done they turned around, took pictures of the 2 Camaros across the street and walked away. I thought WTF was that about? lol
A couple of nice Mopars. 4 door cars are cool too. Congratulations on your trophy win.
Very cool. Congrats to you both. Thanks for representing the A bodies so well
Those are two mighty fine cars that you have there. Great job. :cheers:

It's nice to see an early A get a trophy. We're like a forgotten cousin, sometimes.
Congratulations! Sounds like you two had one hell of a day. Both the rides look great!