Garage Cat Sam (He was big on Mopars - Darts in particular.)

As one of my feral rescues sleeps on my lap while I type this,I am sorry for your loss. I understand the connection and the pain all too well.

Currently have four inside and four outside. The oldest being 22 years old. The world will be a dark place when she goes.
if I didn't have my cats.... people would be killed!!!
Sorry for your loss.
I got two cats right now that I've taken in...some asshole abandoned them. They're sisters. An Orange and Peach cat. They get upset when the other is gone for awhile.

Peach cat has cancer. We were about to put her down a few months ago, but I increased her food and she rebounded quite a bit. She still likes to eat but it can't get through to the other end very well. I'm dreading that day and I feel your pain, OP.

I don't know how to tell the orange cat what happened when her sister is gone...
What I've done with dogs is bring the deceased one home and show it to the other one. They are horrified, but don't spend time looking for their buddy.
I've considered that, and I appreciate the heads up. I'll do this when the time comes
I really didn’t know where to post this, but he was a garage cat. I have never really been a big fan of cats, but I grew to love this cat. He was a big hunter and kept my garage clear of any kind of vermin. Unfortunately, on Friday, I had to put him down. The vet said more than likely, he’d been bit by snake. As my wife was trying to move him at 4 AM on Thursday he bit her as he was in pain. She is actually in the hospital and it’s going to have an operation on Sunday.. that’s not the reason he was euthanized. Despite the effort from the Vet his temperature was rising and he was in pain. I cried like a baby, which is not my normal go to. He was a faithful friend and will be greatly missed.

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Sorry for your loss. Losing a furry family member is never easy. Being unselfish, and doing whats best, is our last act of kindness to our little buddies.
I really didn’t know where to post this, but he was a garage cat. I have never really been a big fan of cats, but I grew to love this cat. He was a big hunter and kept my garage clear of any kind of vermin. Unfortunately, on Friday, I had to put him down. The vet said more than likely, he’d been bit by snake. As my wife was trying to move him at 4 AM on Thursday he bit her as he was in pain. She is actually in the hospital and it’s going to have an operation on Sunday.. that’s not the reason he was euthanized. Despite the effort from the Vet his temperature was rising and he was in pain. I cried like a baby, which is not my normal go to. He was a faithful friend and will be greatly missed.

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Sorry for the loss.....yep have a few around here that found me....the older twin one is the great mouse catcher....the others moved down the street to my place.....least I have the land for them to seperate and one has taken a liking to my doggie....hang in there buddy - another cat will find you !
I really didn’t know where to post this, but he was a garage cat. I have never really been a big fan of cats, but I grew to love this cat. He was a big hunter and kept my garage clear of any kind of vermin. Unfortunately, on Friday, I had to put him down. The vet said more than likely, he’d been bit by snake. As my wife was trying to move him at 4 AM on Thursday he bit her as he was in pain. She is actually in the hospital and it’s going to have an operation on Sunday.. that’s not the reason he was euthanized. Despite the effort from the Vet his temperature was rising and he was in pain. I cried like a baby, which is not my normal go to. He was a faithful friend and will be greatly missed.

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I really didn’t know where to post this, but he was a garage cat. I have never really been a big fan of cats, but I grew to love this cat. He was a big hunter and kept my garage clear of any kind of vermin. Unfortunately, on Friday, I had to put him down. The vet said more than likely, he’d been bit by snake. As my wife was trying to move him at 4 AM on Thursday he bit her as he was in pain. She is actually in the hospital and it’s going to have an operation on Sunday.. that’s not the reason he was euthanized. Despite the effort from the Vet his temperature was rising and he was in pain. I cried like a baby, which is not my normal go to. He was a faithful friend and will be greatly missed.

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Sorry for your loss! I was never really a cat person either, until my wife talked me into keeping a kitten from our daughter in law. Like you, that darn cat grew on me and I really came to love her. That was nearly 19 yrs ago. She passed away 3 yrs ago with cancer, but we had her for 16 good years, and like you, I cried like a baby!