Garage fire



old school power
Sep 7, 2010
Reaction score
chambersburg, PA
Well over the weekend Friday my dad passed away and Saturday afternoon my garage burnt down. Worst 2days ever. Well my 67 plymouth was inside the garage with my motorcycle and we'll we had insurance on the garage the insurance isn't paying for everything including the car because it should have had insurance on it they said. I was in the process of restoring the car so didn't drive it for insurance to stay on it. And the bike had insurance but they are not covering it because I didn't have full coverage or something to do with the fire because I should know that I was going to have a fire they said. A bunch of retards. Well aways my girlfriend made a gofundme account to raise some money to help pay for the car to fix or buy another one and some tools and stuff. So any donations will be greatly appreciated it. I don't like asking for help or anything but I lost everything.


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What an incredibly difficult situation to go through! I'm really sorry to hear about ur loss. Hang in there buddy.
That's awful. Sorry for your losses. Hopefully some peace and happiness comes your way.
You have my sympathy and prayers. So sorry for the loss of your father. Although also difficult, the "stuff" can be replaced.
I know the stuff can replaced. It just sucks. My dad bought the car for me back in high school. I guess he wanted to take the car with him where ever he is now :)
I would fight that. The car should have been covered if it was inside the garage, not registered and undergoing a restoration. It is personal property no different than a garage full of parts. When it comes to insurance, don't take on the burden of proving to them that they owe you. They have to prove to you they don't.
I'm sorry for the loss of your dad, I can't imagine what you're going through. The loss of the garage and vehicles, while tough and at a hard time, are at least replaceable.

Call your local insurance commissioner's office, voice your concerns to them. They will make life hell for any insurance company that is trying to pull one over on you.

Once again, I'm so sorry for your loss.
Your insurance company sucks. Dog-gone brutal stuff man.. you sound like you're fine though (spirit) so you'll get through it. Sorry for your losses. An old saying comes to mind - "that which does not kill us, only make us stronger".. stay strong. And peace be with you.
Sorry for your loss. I can relate to the loss of your father, I lost mine 16 years ago and still think about that day all the time. The garage fire is one of my worst nightmares.

Unfortunately homeowners insurance don't cover any loss of motor vehicles or car parts, don't matter what the circumstances are. My aunts house burnt down a couple years ago and they lost their Harley and all 4 of their cars suffered damage, they had full coverage on all except their Olds Conv which ironically suffered the worst damage.

After helping them and seeing how homeowners insurance works I went out and met with my agent and went over mine. I highly recommend everyone talking to their agent and double checking what is covered and what is not. A good agent will tell you of all the steps if something happens and how it is covered. Most homeowners ins is broke down into sections, structure, personal belongings, temporary relocation, and some have upgrade coverage which covers the structure being brought up to current code which most municipalities will require but a lot of ins policies don't cover without the upgrade coverage. Another thing I found out is the ins company will pay a cleaning crew to recover what it can, clean it and store it till you want it back. Make sure you are there for this, they will save what ever they can despite the cost factor, and this comes out of your personal belongings coverage. My aunts bill was almost $50,000, they charged per box and if she was told how it works first she would have just tosses a lot of it. They boxed a stuffed animal that she had tagged .25 cents for a garage sale in one box and was charged over $40 cleaning and storage. Because of that cleaning bill they were under covered for things that needed to be replaced.
Very sorry about your Dad. The other stuff, while it's shocking now, you'll get over. You'll go on making your Dad proud.
I am very, very for the loss of your father. You are a strong person and you will carry on. About your property loss: Homeowners insurance hardly ever covers vehicles that are inside and destroyed by fire. Usually they cover the structure @ about 50% of its replacement value. You would have been covered if the garage was Under a business name separate from homeowners insurance. Then you would have to have commercial policy along with safety protocols. Not worth it. MY garage is on my homeowners policy and if it burns to the ground I get $5k for structure and contents. BFD. Everyone assumes risk with a hobby garage and it comes down to how much risk you can take. Again, my deepest sympathy, good luck, Tom
My condolences on the loss of your father, The car too, but family matters most. Lost my dad 2 years ago, toughest pain Ive gone thru and feel today. Be strong, you'll get thru it. Like someone above posted, "its not what happens to you, BUT how you deal with what happens that defines you as a person"
Good luck
My sincere condolences on the passing of your father, and cherish all the great memories you have of him. I am also saddened for the loss of your car and shop. Like said above....... it can be replaced, but it still hurts you. That would be one of my worst fears I would have about my shop. I lost my father 15 years ago, and think of him every day, as we did build different vehicles together like hotrods, muscle cars, etc. May you have more peace in your life, and better days ahead
depending on who your provider is/was. if the car is on jackstands its considered under restoration or some kind of b.s. but look into it. they tried to not cover my car in my garage disaster but i won in the end. good luck.
Sorry to hear of the loss of your father as times like this are when we focus on what's truly important in life. You're going through a lot right now with his passing and coming to terms with it all.

Your homeowners insurance normally covers contents for a claim; I would argue the car and motorcycle are contents. Insurance policy's are complicated contracts; does your policy address contents of detached structures?
Very sorry for the loss of your father and garage, definitely get some legal advise right away before settling on anything.
Threw a couple bucks in.
Put yourself in that spot, losing your Dad and your ride in 24 hours.
Could be me, no renter's insurance...lost my Uncle's 68 Coronet to a fire at a shop and still hurts and pisses me off 15 years later.
Help a fellow Mopar guy out. That guy at the stoplight probably makes more than you do, and you give him money.
Threw a couple bucks in.
Put yourself in that spot, losing your Dad and your ride in 24 hours.
Could be me, no renter's insurance...lost my Uncle's 68 Coronet to a fire at a shop and still hurts and pisses me off 15 years later.
Help a fellow Mopar guy out. That guy at the stoplight probably makes more than you do, and you give him money.

Thanks man and that's all I'm looking for if I get 100 people to give 5 bucks it goes along way
It is a little late at this point, but for future referance. Most collector car insurance companies, have provision for cars under restoration. It is not expensive. You decide the value of the car, at it's currant point of restoration, and can increase the value as work progresses.