gaskets for steering column



Jun 13, 2008
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I have the column out and am preparing to pull the engine and paint the engine compartment in the next week or two. Question is I purchased a fire wall gasket set.
The steering column appears to have a couple of gaskets that were not included. They are rubber and black in color. Not at home today, but will post a picture tomorrow when I am home
As far as I know there are 3 gaskets/seals for the 65 early A steering column: the 2 white ones that are at the 2 floor plates and the black round seal that is actually installed on the column itself and actually seals the column to one of the floor plates. I don't think that seal is included in the firewall gasket set. FWIW, this black seal has to be installed on the column from the top after the column it disassembled. I forgot to install the seal when I rebuilt the column going in my Barracuda so had to disassemble it down to the bare tube!
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I did get it from Detroit muscle and have used his stuff before, no complaints. If the black gaskets were not included, where would I locate these, and what are they called.
Thanks for the info. I noticed that last night they were hanging on the column and look rough
Once you have the steering column disassembled down to the bare tube, the lower column seal slips over the raised flange at the bottom. Once installed, it will not move up or down; it can be rotated but that's about it. I'd paint the column before assembly though. Run the steering shaft up through the center white ring and finish the column assembly.
And....there's this grommet that goes in the steering column baseplate, part# GG-458.

Awesome information. Thanks. I am going to paint the column once the rain goes away
If you only need specific pieces of a particular gasket set, DMT will sell you just those. They are literally the best company I've ever dealt with for messing with these old mopars. I called the other day asking if they had door lock cylinder gaskets they could sell me, and without question, he offered to slip a couple in an envelope and send them to me free of charge. Who does that anymore??? What a great company!

I would call them and describe the exact part you're looking for. They may have it but not have it listed on their website.
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I have the white foam. I need to open the bag, but don't remember seeing anything other than white.
The gasket/grommet goes between the two baseplates and gets squashed against the column as they are bolted down. I have my 64 Valiant column out, and am re-using the gasket. It looks like a buna-N O-ring. If degraded, I would try my O-ring stash, Ace, or make one from my universal kit (cut & super-glue). It simply blocks engine fumes and avoids metal-metal contact, so many things would work. Column-shift columns may differ (thicker?). My white firewall gasket was re-usable, but if not I would just cut a new one from the white foam bags that electronics ship in (might be what p.o. did). My 64 surprisingly has the black rubber cap that seals the end of the column tube. They usually disintegrate from engine heat. They block engine fumes from coming up the tube. My 65 didn't have the cap, so I cut 2 overlapping "washers" from plexiglass and glued one inside the tube and the other to the shaft. Probably overkill. One guy here posted installing a ball-bearing in the end of the tube. I don't think the DMT cap (linked above) was available then. A little pricey, but looks very well made.
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Bill, you always have the answer. Mine is in poor condition. Almost like two pieces.