General Motors CEO said WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why except safety?
safety as in fair crash standards, seatbelt strength, minimum glass shear strength, things like that, not fuel mileage or electric or gas or whatever as it has nothing to do with PUBLIC SAFETY.

The soldiers we send off to those 3rd-world toilets you were talking about, to keep (or impose) a minimum level of stability so we can continue getting oil from those countries, are members of the public. You, ah, don't regard their safety as important, then?

who's paying artificially low prices for motor fuel?

Relative to its actual costs, we are all paying artificially low prices.
To OP,

That CEO's statement is pointless and dumb IMO. A car company should produce vehicles that the public wants end of story. If the public wants 12 mpg trucks,,,,,make them..........if the public wants 45 mpg eco cars,,,,make them.

Seems to me that a car company should want fuel prices low. In general I would assume that lower fuel prices would mean that the public would drive more......the more the public drives,,,,,the more cars will be sold......that CEO should only be worried about that......then he wouldnt need to accept government bailout funds etc. etc.
well all I can say is 3.49 is way out of line.... lets start drilling but no the G man want to trade with this azz or that azz come on red neck up guys if it aint working for ya then make it work for ya ....... drive ur mopars or what ever U got to dc and park them right in front of them gates oboma what ever he calls him self ....sees 2000 cars parked that doing some thing im in on that but the thing is getting others to red neck up and do something....... bitching bout it here aint going to change it ... park ur rides at the pump and dont move get a ''mob'' togather and shut some gas stasions down ..... hell nothing was ever fixed by talking bout it ..... u have to fight
Dan, I don't know if you know it or not but I'm one of the soldiers that you are referring to. We weren't sent to secure oil now if that's what you want to think go ahead. You might want to (if you haven't already) look at a chart and see where the US gets its oil from. We even produce quite a bit but have the ability to produce much much more but are hamstrung by bureaucratic red tape. I've been to 6 foreign countries and 3 combat zones (people shooting at each other with firearms) and the only people that brought up oil was the opposition to the party in power at the time. Fast forward to now, same troops in some of the same places and not a word of blood for oil. So either the left is cool with the concept now OR they knew what they was expounding was BS and a political tactic from the jump.

I'll catch up later, gotta milk truck rolled over in Gonzales....
Relative to its actual costs, we are all paying artificially low prices.

And I guess the oil companies are NOT making billions in profit and the gub'mint isn't making billions in taxes from those oil companies that aren't making billions in profit. :bs: Yeah..... I see your point.... We should all just pay more and :stfu:. Just drop trou, bend over and take it from DA MAN. :butthead: Got it.

This is fun!

That's because Nanci Pelosi did not get a chance to turn off our microphones like she did during an attempt by the republicans to have talks on drilling here.

Yep, we could have been a few more steps closer to energy independence if the democrats were not so staunchly opposed to drilling our own reserves here on our own soil.
But I also blame the republicans for not having the balls to stand up to the democommies and cowering like Mick Jagger bending over for David Bowie every time the democrats shoot them down in their dog and pony shows.
Good Morning all,


The oil industry has been a monopoly since the beginning, so things will get worse before they get better. It goes without saying, the margin between the rich and the poor is growing by the day.

ALOT of Americans can be quite easily swayed by popular media, and have a knack for not looking past the smoke and mirrors. Surface creatures we can be.

If we lived in a truly democratic country which, is a laughable fairytale statement, the old, "C'mon Cletus lets driiive that biiiig blowq til the wheels fall off!" Motto some people go by isn't going to help the real problem of: the declining bell curve of oil production, persuading popular vote, and improving our quality of life as a planet.

Not to mention the nod for future generations.

The human being is at its core, selfish. Its tough to change our habits from what we WANT to what we NEED, (Rolling Stones pun intended!) and still have some play room.

We NEED to enjoy life right? I know I enjoy the purr of my 360 Dart. ;)

My humble advice?

#1 VOTE.

#2 Drive your block with some skill:

Shift into neutral going down hills, select the right gear for the job. Don't be a dick with the accelerator, keep it tuned up, tire pressure in check, combine trips etc.

#3 Enjoy the ride while you can. Give it hell!


Enjoy your Friday everyone, go blow some plants over with your H pipe and true duals! :finga:
Not sure if it was mentioned, but it wouldn't surprise me if, in part, the GM guy wants the extra $1 in taxes on gas BEFORE Chrysler/Fiat gets their newer higher mpg vehicles rolling off the assembly lines.
It's hard for me to argue Slantsixdan's points seeing that economically healthy countries in Europe and Japan are charging anywhere between $5-$7 per gallon. I would hate to have to pay gas in this range, but there's a reality creeping up on us here. I love this hobby as much as the next guy, but the days of using your muscle car as a daily driver is in the past.
Not sure if it was mentioned, but it wouldn't surprise me if, in part, the GM guy wants the extra $1 in taxes on gas BEFORE Chrysler/Fiat gets their newer higher mpg vehicles rolling off the assembly lines.

haha, probably. But it would benefit Ford more than GM right now.
Good Morning all,
Not to mention the nod for future generations.

I think it is likely that the people of our era are going to be looked at with the same disdain we currently hold for 18th century slaveholders and the like, or worse. We'll be the "primitive screwheads" in the future.

When the oil is gone or nearly gone, they'll be like "We could have used that for fertilizer so we can feed the exploding population, drugs to treat AIDS 2, materials that were stronger and lighter and more efficient than steel, but oh no, those ####suckers had to have their Cadillac Escalade and their 50 mile each way hypercommute."

Of course human nature being what it is, most folks probably don't think about that, or don't care.

Here's a word to look up while you've got the dictionary out: Unsustainable.

Besides, the more fuel efficient vehicles they sell, the more gas left over for my classic Mopar.
GM CEO is only saying what he was told to say.....

He does not want to get fired like his Big O....

who wants gas prices to skyrocket also
Obama Motors is right. Just bought my wife a new Ford 3 months ago. As far as the CEO of GM he can go (vaccum ) out the end of syphillis infected horse c@#K!
And in case ( someone ) hasn't noticed the libs in the government have already turned themselves into engineers and ceo's and if you really paid attention baseball commissioners and commercial vehicle regulators and I can't type that long etc. !

They know better than we do and what they thinks best. But don't put that wind farm in the Kennedy compounds view of the ocean. I vote and I have the right to *****. Make the bastards do what you, their constituents want or send their *** packin!
It's hard for me to argue Slantsixdan's points seeing that economically healthy countries in Europe and Japan are charging anywhere between $5-$7 per gallon. I lived in Germany and had to pay high petrol fee's per liter, but that didn't mean I liked it. So because the Europeans do something means we are supposed to follow suit?!? Who died and made them King Turd??? The way I see it is they do their thing and we do our thing. I'm not 100% in love with following any other country on nothing, especially when it comes to logistics and economics but of course that's my opinion...
Well I'm making an option C, besides safety standards the Government needs to get the hell out of the auto industry...

MT, I also thought that was an odd position for you to take. You feel it is ok for the guvmint to dictate safety standards. Do you then feel it is ok for that same guvmint to dictate that said standards must be followed by everyone? Where do you stop it once it is started?

Seat belts? Motorcycle helmets? Safety inspections? OHSA regulations? Pretty soon we have a cottage industry of folks tryin' to come up with new safety requirements and a whole other industry tryin' to grow larger to enforce those existing & new requirements..., not to mention all the lawyers looking for loopholes and the judicial system trying to determine the appropriate punishment for violators. Damn those seat belts!

Just askin'
Well I'm making an option C, besides safety standards the Government needs to get the hell out of the auto industry...

MT, I also thought that was an odd position for you to take. You feel it is ok for the guvmint to dictate safety standards. Do you then feel it is ok for that same guvmint to dictate that said standards must be followed by everyone? Where do you stop it once it is started?

Seat belts? Motorcycle helmets? Safety inspections? OHSA regulations? Pretty soon we have a cottage industry of folks tryin' to come up with new safety requirements and a whole other industry tryin' to grow larger to enforce those existing & new requirements..., not to mention all the lawyers looking for loopholes and the judicial system trying to determine the appropriate punishment for violators. Damn those seat belts!

Just askin'

Understanding of course that I am still waiting for my coffee to brew, I don't think "dictate" is the correct term for what MT said. There should be standards set to protect the people. Making seat belts mandatory in vehicles was a good idea. Seat belt laws, not so much. Back up lights are a mandated item which I'm sure you appreciate. Collapsible steering columns are another.
See? Protecting public safety.

I kind of understand your comment to lean more towards overbearing government bureaucracy and enforcement as a revenue stream.
Seat belts? Motorcycle helmets? Safety inspections? that's your state running that stuff and every state got their own methods of enforcement and the charges for violators. Texas has the highest seat belt fine in the nation of $200. I'm no seat belt fan as they almost got me killed in 85', different story.

And your are correct Revhendo, "dictate" was a bad choice of words on my part.