Get a sense of humor... and some thicker skin



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Apr 27, 2009
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Prattsburgh, NY
Red Robin Ad Mocks Vegetarians With 'Teen Phase' Joke. Guess Who's Not Laughing?

Are vegetarians humorless? It’s the question being asked this week after a Red Robin television ad offended herbivores by touting its 24 types of burgers and then noting, with an implied eye roll and mock whisper, “We even have a Gardenburger—just in case your teenage daughter is going through a phase.”

More on Shine: Mountain Dew Under Fire For 'Most Racist Commercial in History'

The commercial, part of a new campaign ad series, aired for about a week before being rotated out, as was planned from the start. But it prompted outrage among activists and on social media outlets, with a slew of horrified vegetarians taking the eatery to task for its condescending approach.

“Though I applaud any fast food chain that offers a veggie burger, and I hope that more do, the idea that not eating animals is reserved solely for teenage girls going through a phase is obviously meant to insult both vegans and girls,” Jasmin Singer, executive director of Our Hen House, a New York-based multimedia vegan activism organization, told Yahoo! Shine. “Why is Red Robin insulting the very customers it's reaching out to?”

More on Yahoo!: What's Behind the Recent String of Tasteless, Offensive Ads?

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) echoed Singer's concerns with an official statement on the matter. "PETA is thrilled that Red Robin has veggie burgers, and we agree with the many comments that the one-liner in the commercial is a bit outdated," it said. "Thirteen percent of the U.S. population now identifies as vegetarian or vegan [according to Public Policy Polling], which is one reason why more and more burger joints and other restaurants continue to add a wider variety of vegetarian and vegan dishes to their menus, including Red Robin, Johnny Rockets, Fuddruckers, Smashburger, and Denny's."

On Tuesday, Red Robin told its vegetarian customers it was sorry. "If anyone was offended by the ad, we sincerely apologize," spokesperson Kevin Caufield told Yahoo! Shine. "We value all our guests, including those who want vegan and vegetarian options."

The eatery, Caufield added, has offered both a vegetarian Gardenburger and vegan Boca Burger for several years, and said the commercial "was intended to increase awareness of these vegetarian options in an irreverent, lighthearted way."

Still, online critics were multiplying as of Tuesday afternoon.
“My husband and I used to get your Gardenburger—but after your insulting ad, you have lost our business,” wrote one woman on the restaurant’s Facebook page, echoing the comments of an ever-growing slew of others. “What on earth made your marketing people think this was a good idea to insult the 600 million vegetarians on our planet? I will never visit your restaurant again. Stupid, stupid move.”
Twitter also buzzed with comments in the same vein, taking Red Robin to task from every angle of the no-meat lifestyle. “Being a vegetarian isn't ‘a phase,’ Red Robin. What's humane about factory farming?” asked one, with another noting, “Just saw a really insulting @redrobinburgers ad. Don't mock a person's decision to live a longer life.”

The latest study about the health benefits of vegetarianism, published in early June in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed that non-meat-eaters were less susceptible to heart disease, diabetes and kidney failure and that they generally lived longer than carnivores.

Recent surveys have found that anywhere from 5 to 13 percent of Americans are vegetarians. That amounts to at least 15 million people—and potential Red Robin customers—many of whom did not find the ad funny.

But can't vegetarians just loosen up and realize it's all in good fun? It was a question tackled by animal advocate and vegan blogger Katrina Donovan Fleming in a June 11 essay, "Just a Joke: Confessions of a 'Humorless Vegan,'" on Our Hen House.

“Exclusionary humor and its acerbic aftertaste are nothing new, of course. Think of all the jokes that are based in racism. The dumb blond jokes. Antigay jokes. This type of humor is a not-so-subtle way of communicating to one’s companions: ‘We’re better,’” she observes. “The real zinger of exclusionary humor, of course, is that no matter how diplomatically one speaks against it, the perpetrator can retort in a passive-aggressive way, ‘Jeez. Have a sense of humor. It’s just a joke!’”

So what do you do, Donovan Fleming asks, “when your sister-in-law quips that she’d like her steak cooked so rare that ‘it’s still mooing’ and then glances to observe your reaction?”

Or when a national chain restaurant likens your eating philosophy to the whims of a flighty teen? You can react with horror, or laugh it off—or better yet, strive for middle ground, she writes.

“The key, it seems, is to remember that there is probably a kind soul behind the offending joke, and to then connect to the person on that level,” Donovan Fleming suggests. “Very few people would actually find animal abuse funny. If you can plug into that, share some food for thought, and give the person the benefit of the doubt, incredible things can result.”
Just a few observation's,...
1). Yes, them vagitarions have no sense of humour, all.
2). The comment about teen age girls is spot on...
3). PETA = Peaple Eating Tasty Animals,....Hello, we are the top of the food chain,...God gave me teeth for a reason, and it wasn't to chew on veggies, (but I do like them...)
4).The american public is way too fickle/thin skinned...and way too litigeous...
waaaa waaaaaaa ....these ppl who are going through a vegitarian phase have no idea what the heck they are talking about ...plain and simple.

i was raised Vegitarian for religious reasons ........i was also suffering from an anarexic problem.

after i came to the USA ...i noticed what ppl around me were eating and none of my adoptive family ever forced me to eat meat took me a long time but eventually i figured like they say "when in Rome do as the Romans"

it took a plunge first with chicken then upgraded to pork items....and finally moved into Hamburgers.

i can tell any vegan first hand how my health really improved with meat and i gained healthy weight and i have more strength now still under hundred pounds but i feel better than when i was eating only rabbit food.

point is that no one is forcing them to eat or not eat anything with options available, so to get offended by all this is just stupid .....i think they are just trying to prove a point and get attention for being idiots.

none of these little girls going through a phase will never know what its like to be a real vegatarian .....and im sorry to break their hearts but there are really no animal rights for some animals.....some animals were born to be food ....thats their point in to try and save a purpose built food animal is pointless and waste of time.

BTW ......someone needs to bring me a Hamburger now....dont forget the mustard and pickles :laughing:
Do you want sesame seeds on the bun? How would you like that cooked, medium or well done? :)
PETA=People Eating Tasty Animals... Now THAT is some funny s@#t I don't care who you are... :)
thats a huge problem in this country today. people get offended about everything. country is full of pussies. you see it in person everyday and even more on internet forums. people are way to thin skinned. get over it people grow a set for god sakes.
Don't blame vegetarians. It's our society. In our quest to not offend anyone, nothing can be said without someone getting their feel goods hurted. So they overreact, stomp their feet, and take their ball and go home. I read stuff on here everyday like this.

A good friend of mine is vegan. She is, perhaps, the funniest person I know. Terrific sense of humor.
Do you want sesame seeds on the bun? How would you like that cooked, medium or well done? :)

when they ask you how you like it cooked is when you know your over paying for a burger........Carls Jr. and Micky Ds never ask its a standardized deal to keep the cost down...

unless its being cooked on the grille that case i take it well done with grilled onions :laughing::laughing::laughing:
Well done? You ruined it. Call PETA. It is unethical to cook beef that long.
Thick skin is desirable sometimes. But I usually take the skin off of my fried chicken.
And I don’t eat beef because of the potential for hormones.
Burgers made with “pink slime” don’t appeal to me.
Since Ruby Tuesdays closed, I have nowhere get a Bison Burger.
I have authored phrase “Hypersensitive is just a corrosive to good relationships as malice."
("More on Shine......")
[ame=""]Willy the Hillbilly - First Mountain Dew Commercial (1966) + Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
Funny that.
Hillbillies are the only group that doesn’t get to be “offended”.
Diversity and sensitivity training, anyone?
I commend you for putting this in the jokes forum where it belongs as I suppose that it could easily turn “political”.
A friend at work who is Hispanic and I were falsely accused by some one of making racial remarks. The accuser either had a racial chip on his shoulder, racial issues and/or is looking to make some money on a discrimination lawsuit against the employer.
As a result we “called BS” on the DOE process. The DOE knew it was a bogus charge but had to “do something”, so we got “counseled” to protect the employer.

A sure way to get fired: post this at work.
If we aren't supposed to eat animals...........why are they made of meat ?? :toothy7:
its not like we dont have a choice in America.....the country with the most choices and most offended ppl ....if you like meat, eat it......if not dont .....easy


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Well done? You ruined it. Call PETA. It is unethical to cook beef that long.

Lol, not to mention you heat all the nutrients out of it. I do medium, always nice and juicy that way! My feelings just got hurt over this one Rani! Haaaa :D
Lol, not to mention you heat all the nutrients out of it. I do medium, always nice and juicy that way! My feelings just got hurt over this one Rani! Haaaa :D

ok, i stand corrected ....i never go to places that ask and at home i just go by when it looks done with little pink maybe that is medium well ...i just looked this up maybe your right

im just paranoid about it being cooked safely


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