Get home and what do I find?

This is my theif repelant. :-D
Not to mention I have trackers on my mopars.


  • DSC01279.jpg
    127.5 KB · Views: 97
pawn shops cant sell any bought items for a month or so to verify that they arent stolen. go check the local shops and see what comes of it
I'm glad to see somebody else near me. Hate to hear someone stole your stuff.

If the people around here would have voted in a real cop like my dad when he ran for sheriff a few years back instead of this moron Andrews who refuses to do anything, there would be a much better sheriff's dept here. These guys around here are pathetic. One day they're bailing hay at Co-Op and Tractor Supply, the next day they're investigating burgleries. They all know each other and they could care less about doing their job. As long as their "presence" is known, they think they're doing a good job.