Glove box lock not coming off



Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2010
Reaction score
Scarborough, Qld
Read the thread here on how to remove my glove box lock. Identified the recess 1/2 inch down the lock on the hinge side. Can just see the hole no tang sticking out. Used a paper clip and then a watchmakers scredriver and pushed prodded from all directions while pulling on the lock. That sucker aint coming out.

Could the tang be broken off?
If I remember correctly one needs to turn cylinder with a key, and then depress little button thingy while gently puling on key to slide cylinder out.
I just went throught the same ordeal, once I found the right spot it came apart...once apart I could see all the marks where I was off to one side just a little
I used a very small "L" shaped hex key. It works for me evrytime. Admittedly, until I actually got it apart the first time, I was at it for a while.
I got it off but I am buggered if I know how. I just prodded and poked until it hit the right spot. I can see now its apart how it all works and should have no trouble in future. For a while there the only thing getting depressed was me!
Make sure you put it back together exactly as you took it apart. I messed with mine for quite a while, it was somewhat frustrating for a while.

It's not one of those things you do everyday.