Glue traps, I'm kinda pissed!!!



" The other hard member"
FABO Gold Member
Aug 20, 2019
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Yakima Wa
My coworker decided he was going to put a glue trap in the store front of the shop I work at.
It caught a mouse, apparently the mouse had been there for 2 days, he said it's almost dead.
Well I get to work this morning and it's still alive stuck down, struggling, covered in glue and wet from it's piss, **** all over the trap & so me the "everything has a purpose" guy had to peel it off & throw it on the ground to kill it (instantly)
Anyways those glue traps are about the most inhumane thing I've ever came across. Yes I know rats and mice are not that great but at least kill the things quick.
Thanks for reading my venting lol.
I hear ya. I tried using them in my suburban garage, but ended up catching lizards and a couple snakes (which of course didn't die). I was able to save one of the lizards thankfully. I quit using them though. There are too many other good traps available to mess with those in my opinion.
No creature should have to die that way. It is inhumane. I did have to set out some snap traps , but once I got MY **** under control & sealed their entryways, we were able to coexist again.
Please don’t use poison either, besides also being inhumane, before they die, some other animal may get them (your dog or cat maybe) and subsequently be poisoned. Besides, they’ll die where you can’t get to them, then you get the odor of decomp to live with.
Just about a year ago, coworkers put out glue traps and immediately caught a respectably large lizard.

I was able to carefully remove it over the course of about 2.5 hours using diabetic test strips (actually the perfect tool for the job), post it notes, and "Goo-Gone".

I worked for 5-10 minutes at a time and gave 10-15 minutes to rest and not freak out.

After 2 sessions, I think it figured out what I was doing.
Breathing normalized and struggling stopped.
When freed, the lizard hung out for a bit and climbed around on my hand for a while.
Probably tired.
Good ol' snap traps. Work's wonders.
The rats and mice around hear won't go near the regular snap traps no matter what I use for bait.......they're too smart so I have to use the glue traps. But I've noticed that after a while they start to avoid the glue traps by not coming into my garage at all!!
snap trap user here. Doesn't always get em on the first try, but they are the most effective. Had one once where the trap caught the mouse, then along came a snake, who attempted to eat the whole shebang. I had to deny the snake its prize cos there was no way it was going to happen. Was not a pleasant task, but dealing with mice (or snakes for that matter) never is.
The pest control company we have here at the hangar uses them also. We tend to catch more lizards than anything. On the occasion that I find a lizard alive, I use a little vegetable oil and a q tip and it frees them up (I googled that). The mice and rats that are caught, if alive, I drop them in a bucket of water. In my mind its better than being thrown in the dumpster and left to die.
Drowning sucks pretty bad as a way to die, too.
Caught a bat on a fly strip in my parking garage. Dispatched the poor thing with a 4x4. I hated that.
Had success with this variety

I put the trap in their pathway to the bait which I limited to going through the trap or not getting to the bait.
i use the bucket top with water and they drown. baited with pb and sun flower seeds. they go for the pb and when they get to the 1/4 point they fall in. done.
I just went through this. We have a problem with rats. Not mice. They get into the inner structure of my trucks hood. I smacked the hood, and out he came, right into my garage. So, I bought the old style trap, and the one with enclosed poison. The rat never went near the trap with pb, and cheese. He did eat the poison, and crawled out from behind my work bench, and I put a bucket over him, and after he died, I put him in the trash. I felt bad for him, but the damage they do makes it necessary.
My 6 cats take care of the rats, mice, birds, baby birds, snakes, lizards, moles, whatever they find.
Problem with them is they don't always finish the job.
I've had to kill all of the above listed animals.
The method of putting them high over your head and throwing down on a rock or concrete is fast... I don't like to do it but when a baby bird is crying and it's little head is chewed on I have no choice.
I'm getting ready to leave the cats in the house for good or build a fence around the front lawn.
I have an uncle that would have removed it, cleaned it up and nursed it back to life. My God. Even The Bible calls them vermin. lol
Bucket trap in my storage shed in winter. They freeze. Freezing to death is better than drowning. No point trying to beat them off in the summer. The local fox needs to eat too.another reason not to poison them.
My neighbor says to superglue a sugar baby to a snap trap. Says they go after it like crack cocaine. Haven't tried it yet.
I catch about 2 a week in my parking garage cause I leave the door open sometimes. Never get them In the work shop. I keep the doors closed as much as I can.
Outsourced: Our neighbor's cat does it for free and then leaves the kill on her doorstep. We're making out like bandits in this deal.
The best thing is a snap trap with a piece of raw bacon zip tied to it. Works wonders.