Go Canada Go!!

This overtime will go down in history as one of the best no matter who wins. I have to go with USA based on my demographics.:) good luck to both fine teams. Goalies have done a great job on both sides. How did Canada let those guys get on the inside so close to the bell?? Go USA
Congrads to Canada for there victory!!!
What a great game :cheers: and it was my first game to watch :-D
I was not sure how many periods there was in Hockey till today :toothy10:
I must say it sure was a great thing to watch, I don't see how the goalies do it :cheers: and that game would wear me out, It just about did just watching :-D
Congrads to the Hockey team of Canada!

An excellent game, hard fought and played well.

MeMike, I have to agree with the above statement. The 2 best teams duked it out. The other teams competeing tried hard and some of them did very well. No slouch's themselfs. Some were just out right out classed. But that's OK too. They came and tried.

I played goalie in Jr. and Sr. High school and loved it. Love the whole game. Though I can't skate to well, the street or gym floor was where we played.
A few pads and a mask is enuff. After all, when you sign up for such a position, you (kind off) know what your getting into. So there's no real complaining about it.
I have to give props to my neighbors to the north it was quite the game. Team USA seemed to lack confidence in the first half.