Going in for surgery.

Best of luck. Keep us advised, and watch all of the diabetes related numbers carefully. You don't want it to get worse.
All the best to you. I'm on prednisone and it destroyed my vision, I was driving with 20-80 corrected (NM state limit) and it was an ordeal and dangerous. I had both lenses replaced a few years ago and I'm back to 20-20 and 20-30 corrected. Nothing to it, no worries or regrets.
I ask for everything to go good for you and speedy recovery or just zap you and you wake up healed in Jesus name. Thank you.
Just had my eye exam this week. I am type 2 diabetic I've had laser surgery in both eyes twice in my right one. Left eye the doctor said it is back to normal and the right eye almost is. Laser surgery was for bleeding in the back of my eye and he had told me that my eyes would never heal. But I guess I proved him wrong.
Good luck.