Going through divorce, please help me, any idea of value?

I'm very sorry to hear this. As soon as possible you and your wife should meet face to face and agree to consider your children's well-being first and foremost, which includes neither of you bad-mouthing the other in any way, in front of your children. The money for the car and bike won't matter much, in the big picture. Try to keep a level head....I feel for you.
sell it to someone you can trust for like a dollar. Then once everything is done, collect it for .75 on a depreciated value.
$1,000 a month support and shes worried about gettin' half your car.... She sounds a little greedy and petty.... Do you get half of her car???
Dont know about in the States but here in Ontario they can go back x amout of months and see what you sold, and make you pay the value of it.. if they think you somthing to hide.
what is she really going to do if she takes your car other than sell it herself and laugh the whole time.

I've seen it. It is not funny.
man,that sucks.:angry7:
Sell it to a good friend that you can trust for $200,when the smoke clears buy it back.
If I was in that situation,I would set my Duster on fire and let her burn before seeing my exs new b/f driving it.
I really feel for you John, and have a tough time putting myself in your place. Couldn't imagine what I'd do if my man wanted half the value of MY car.

You didn't mention if you've had the car or the wife longer, but some states consider property you owned before the marriage or acquired after separation as "sole and separate property." She may not have any standing to make claim on it if you owned it before you got married.

I already went off tonight in another thread started by a member's to-be ex-wife who showed up here just to find out what her husband's cars are worth. Yeah I'm a woman too ... but that's just WRONG.
I really feel for you John, and have a tough time putting myself in your place. Couldn't imagine what I'd do if my man wanted half the value of MY car.

You didn't mention if you've had the car or the wife longer, but some states consider property you owned before the marriage or acquired after separation as "sole and separate property." She may not have any standing to make claim on it if you owned it before you got married.

I already went off tonight in another thread started by a member's to-be ex-wife who showed up here just to find out what her husband's cars are worth. Yeah I'm a woman too ... but that's just WRONG.

That wouldn't happen to be my soon to be ex would it? It wouldn't matter because I had the Duster before I got married to her so I did sell it to my sister for a dollar & she couldn't do anything about it. I think that was the smartest move I did because 3 weeks after I sold it to my sister it got totalled by a drunk driver. Thats all I can say for now till the divorce is final. Keep your chin up man & focus on your kids, thats what I've been doing & thats whats keeping me going, knowing that I get my kids every weekend. try to be civil with her just for the kids sake. things will get better with time.
Sorry to hear about the tought times you are going through, just know they will pass and with time things will look better.
Just a guess but I doubt she gives a crap about the bike or the car other than what monitary gain she can get from them. Perhaps you should look at what she has or is "taking" that is her's that you may have not seen value or need in fighting over, and let her know you have as much right to half of said item(s)as she does the car and bike. maybe then a negotiation can be seen. Good luck and stay strong, your children will need your support more than ever.
Really sorry to hear about the kids. You're a standup dad for wanting to remain in their life, and for that I applaud you. I agree with valiantsurf above, in that you should simply value all of the items that you own, and then split that value and the goods down the middle, and you requesting the cars over the appliances.

I separated from my ex at 30, and I ended up giving her everything except the cars and parts, a microwave, my guitars, and a set of pots. We argued about my 68 Barracuda, and she (and her new boyfriend) wanted it. In the end, we agreed to split it up and divvy up the profits. Well, one afternoon after a bunch of beers, I pulled out my air chisel, and cut it up. The first cut hurt, but after that it felt good. I phoned her and told her she could have the whole car except for the hood emblem, which she agreed to. When her and her new beau came to collect the car.. they didn't bring a truck rofl.

I carry that emblem on my key ring to remember my first love.. and the by$%tch that killed her :)

Hey a fellow Wisconsonite! Sorry for all your troubles... if you need to make that car disappear for awhile.... Good Luck!!!
Been there before. It ain't fun. The mistake most people make is tryin to figure out the monetary worth of things. That's not how to go about it. Your valuation needs to come from whether it's worth it to lose sleep over fightin about it. Whether it's worth havin the craps so bad that you start losin weight. whether it's worth pukin your guts out because of all the heartache. whether it's worth playin Russian Roulette one night drunk off your *** because nothin else matters. Yeah,I have been there. THAT'S what you have to base it's value on. In the end, nothing is worth it. If I had to do it again, I would just drop all of my material possessions and walk. I would have myself, my sanity and my relationship with God. I'm prayin for you brother.
friend of mine is getting the D,no kids,he got the house and his mopars,she got her mopar,he gave her 40K,now she wants 1/2 of his publix stock,100K,poor guy
Sorry to hear , Duster maybe $1000.0 The triumph depending on model year and condition 3000.00 - 7,000.00 . I sold my 89 750 bonneville for 6,000.00 7 years ago
Man, all I can say is I'm sorry bud.
I had some problems with my marriage maybe 8 years ago and it was the sickest feeling in the world to deal with.

Don't worry about those toys...they're replaceable.
I wouldnt give that stuff too much thought.
it's not really important.
In order for any value assessment to be accepted by the court it will need to be done by a licensed appraser. Just make sure and let whoever you choose know that you are on the losing end of a divorce so they will at least keep the value honest.
My suggestion would be to put some nasty *** trim on the engine, gungy wheels, and a bunch of trash in the interior. Hammer a plug gap or two shut. If you don't have the stuff, maybe a FABO reader in the area can loan it to you. Then take it to Carmax and get them to give you an estimate. Pretty sure it will be far lower than what we think it will be AND it will be in writing by an appraiser. The number should stand up in court. You can laugh later when they buy off on it.

It's tough to be where you are right now. I can't imagine what it would be like to have small kids in the middle. Mine were gone. It does get better. IMO, you don't get over it, you get through it. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other for now.
John -
Sorry to hear of your troubles. Brings back lots of memories.
My ex-wife and I were kind of in the same boat. I was 20, she was 19 when we married after 3 years of dating. We'd been married 13 years, kids were 7 and almost 2, when she decided she'd missed out on things getting married so young and wanted to be 'free'. After we separated I tried to work it out for 2 years, but found it was only a one-way street. I ended up keeping the house, the kids, my truck, my Mopar ('69 Dart), and my motorcycle. Gave her the choice of our new car and the payments or our paid-off car. Of course she took the paid-off car. Gave her a low buyout on the house to offset a low child support coming back to me since I kept the kids. She ended up paying me child support until each of the kids turned 18.
Get creative with your thinking and do what's best for your kids, even if it means staying together in separate bedrooms. The kids are the ones that are really getting their world turned upside down and they're also the most important consideration in all of this. I couldn't stay together with my 'ex' after I found out about things she got involved in after we separated - it would not have been best for my kids.
My suggestion would be to put some nasty *** trim on the engine, gungy wheels, and a bunch of trash in the interior. Hammer a plug gap or two shut. If you don't have the stuff, maybe a FABO reader in the area can loan it to you. Then take it to Carmax and get them to give you an estimate. Pretty sure it will be far lower than what we think it will be AND it will be in writing by an appraiser. The number should stand up in court. You can laugh later when they buy off on it.

It's tough to be where you are right now. I can't imagine what it would be like to have small kids in the middle. Mine were gone. It does get better. IMO, you don't get over it, you get through it. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other for now.

Man, that's a really great idea.
John, sorry to hear about this.

As for your car, honestly, just like it sits, I think you would have a hard time getting more than $1000 for it. Just look at the cars in your area for sale right now. There is a 70 Swinger for sale on this site from Milwaukee that hasn't sold yet for $1500. We are just getting into fall here and you know as well as I do, people don't buy cars to store all winter. It's worth more in parts but you shouldn't be obligated to part it out. Honestly, I'd just give her the bike and let her sell it and keep the car or just list it for sale and take the best offer within a month or give her half of the best offer and keep it.

Again, sorry to hear about your situation.

Sorry to hear about your story. Here in KY we pay our "tag" fees every year. The value of the vehicle is on the registration. I would think you would have to go by that amount. I can have the county reappraise my car, based on the mileage and condition. Take the pics "of the worst parts" and they can deduct even more. So if you pay the taxes on that price she should only be able to get only half of that.
Hope things work out for you and the kids.
get a good buddy you trust and sell it to him for cheap, makes plans to buy it back after all the dust settles, then you get to keep your bike and car