Going to Check Out a "Barn Find"

Great car (speaking from experience). Looks like mine. Does the engine spin freely? Keep us updated. Great find.
Yes, I was able to move the engine by using the belt and fan. Still waiting to hear back from the seller.

I plan on putting on some rubber gloves and going at that engine compartment with a shop vac first. There's some pretty nasty **** (literally) under the hood. I'd like to wash everything by hand after taking some pictures of it in the sun.
I don't do that anymore, I take duct tape & get all the rat **** stuck to it, then fold it & bag it. Depending on the rodent, & how old/dry the droppings are, airborne dust can contain viruses/bacteria that will kill You. By the time symptoms show to be more than "just a cold", it's too late, be careful.
The gloves & bags, & a poke w/a stick to see if they're occupied, are step #1. It's slow & tedious compared, but unless You've got a bonafide sealed HEPA filter & exhaust isolated away from the infested area, it's the way I've done it at work or wherever for the last 20 or so years.
Oh, congrats, looks like a great find Dude!!!
I don't do that anymore, I take duct tape & get all the rat **** stuck to it, then fold it & bag it. Depending on the rodent, & how old/dry the droppings are, airborne dust can contain viruses/bacteria that will kill You. By the time symptoms show to be more than "just a cold", it's too late, be careful.
The gloves & bags, & a poke w/a stick to see if they're occupied, are step #1. It's slow & tedious compared, but unless You've got a bonafide sealed HEPA filter & exhaust isolated away from the infested area, it's the way I've done it at work or wherever for the last 20 or so years.
Oh, congrats, looks like a great find Dude!!!
You never think of this, but it can be an issue. You can never be too careful around old poop. :eek:
I don't do that anymore, I take duct tape & get all the rat **** stuck to it, then fold it & bag it. Depending on the rodent, & how old/dry the droppings are, airborne dust can contain viruses/bacteria that will kill You. By the time symptoms show to be more than "just a cold", it's too late, be careful.
The gloves & bags, & a poke w/a stick to see if they're occupied, are step #1. It's slow & tedious compared, but unless You've got a bonafide sealed HEPA filter & exhaust isolated away from the infested area, it's the way I've done it at work or wherever for the last 20 or so years.
Oh, congrats, looks like a great find Dude!!!
What he said.

We have ("had", hopefully!) bats in the attic in our new place, and the exterminator we hired had a special exterminator-type HEPA vacuum he used to clean-up the old poop, as it can causes all sorts of nastiness once it becomes airborne. I distinctly remember him telling me that he used it for rats feces as well, as the carry some of the same diseases.

Vac was green, and about the same size and shape as a small toolbox, with a carry strap and about 5-6 feet of hose.

Edit: Link to the vac our exterminator used, I think: Buy Omega Green Supreme IPM HEPA Vacuum - Atrix
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I had a feller tell me "I know you are a Mopar guy, I got some "ralley wheels..." I go look at them they are 1980 Dodge Omni rims...:)
I'm sure someone will pay. Sorry you didn't get it.

How far apart were you?
No sir. Apparently the seller and I had two different opinions on the value of the vehicle.
That’s frustrating to experience. Do you know if the car is still not sold? I suppose after a period of time the seller will realise his asking price is out of touch with reality. It all comes down to how badly does he want to sell it.
It is not unusual for a car be listed for sale on FB Marketplace, old CL, for some silly high $, and you can footnote the ad or get the guys cell number, and call back a year later... and the seller will still say " I know what I got, I ain't dropping the price one penny!"
I've been told that he's trying to do some work to it himself so that he can get a better price for it.
BrianT, the trick is "does he know what he is doing?" Who knows, he may finally relent and the two of you can agree on a price. I'd wait 10 days or so and go over with a hand full of dead presidents and give him an offer half way between your original offer and what he is asking. You can always up the offer if you have cash money in your pocket.
Watching too much Barrett Jackson classic cars are gold mines reasonable offers are dead on arrival.
I made him what I thought was a fair offer and left him my number. He never called back. I followed up with my friend from church and he told me that the seller wants to fix some things and then try to sell it. Said that he’s fixed the brakes, rebuilt the carb and replaced the fuel tank and lines.
Maybe I missed it, but how much he asking? Seems like folks are assuming he was asking too much.
That's true. Without knowing the offer/asking price we'll never know who was in the right ball park. But, that's none of our business anyway.
My list of simple car hunting/selling fact tidbits:

Non running "common" cars are usually hard to sell. Rollers even harder. Rollers all took apart, harder YET! and, all this has a bearing on what anyone will pay.

When the seller brags how he rebuilt the "you fill in the blank" and he adds how he can fix anything with a cresent wrench.......look elsewhere.

When the guy says " good 2 door projects are getting hard to find and expensive, so 4 door projects are getting really expensive." Ask him just how much wacky weed he consumers per day. :thumbsup: