Good one on old Johnny Carson



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Had a stand-up tonight I've not heard of and don't remember his name LOL


"If sex was meant to be fun there wouldn't be kids as a penalty"

I liked Carson.
Arnold Palmers wife was on once. he asked her .
What do you do for your husband for good luck before a golf match.

She replied. I kiss his balls for good luck.
He responded BOY I bet that makes his putter stand up.

That was really considered pushing the limits with censors back then.
If Carson were here now, this crap with Kimmell and the rest of the "late night" clowns likely would not be going on.
One night Carson had Zsa Zsa Gabour on the show. She came out with a white cat and had it sitting on her lap. She said to Carson "would you like to stroke my pussy?" he said "Sure but get that dam cat out of the way first". He was the best. Today's so called comics have to keep dropping the F bomb to try and get a laugh. Did you ever hear Red Skelton, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, Abbott and costello, George Burns etc swear during a routine? No, but everyone was rolling in the isles. I guess that's what they call "the good ole days".
One night Carson had Zsa Zsa Gabour on the show. She came out with a white cat and had it sitting on her lap. She said to Carson "would you like to stroke my pussy?" he said "Sure but get that dam cat out of the way first". He was the best. Today's so called comics have to keep dropping the F bomb to try and get a laugh. Did you ever hear Red Skelton, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, Abbott and costello, George Burns etc swear during a routine? No, but everyone was rolling in the isles. I guess that's what they call "the good ole days".
I totally agree w/ these last 3 posts. The late night dummies are about as funny as watching weeds grow. ABC , NBC , AND CBS , ''ALL'' ARE TOTALL LOSERS COMPARED W/ Carson ! They are pure liberals too !!
First comes the Engagement ring, then comes the Wedding ring, then comes the Suffering.