Goodbye Alice

She fell out of a ugly tree, hit every branch on the way down, landed in some ugly bushes and bounced onto some ugly grass, but man was she funny.

RIP Alice.
RIP. I was just watching an episode of the Brady Bunch yesterday.
She was funny, but I could not stand "the Brady Bunch" mostly whatever her name is Henderson
I just watched the episode the other day on TV where her twin "sister" (also played by Alice) came to stay with the family....she was in the military and very strict compared to Alice and the family didn't like her very much.... Lol,........I think it's a good show, rest in peace!
RIP Alice....Very good actress with extremely funny facial expressions!!

She fell out of a ugly tree, hit every branch on the way down, landed in some ugly bushes and bounced onto some ugly grass, but man was she funny.

Damn....I'd hate to have you at my eulogy :tongue2: