Google Maps/Earth Street view...



Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2010
Reaction score
Lake Geneva, WI
Browsing in my town and... they GOT MY CAR! 8) Nice shots of it, too!

Check your area and see if they have yours!


That's a good thing to do if you're selling your house too. Prospective buyers can see those views ... and the 10-month old photo of that construction dumpster and scaffolding when they put your new roof on. Though I don't think you can "do" anything about getting the photo updated, you can make a note of the old street view photo in your MLS listing.

And that IS an awesome picture of your car ITNK! Be proud!
I was looking for something else on Streetview the other day and found the Jackpot!

They filmed most of Woodward Ave from downtown Pontiac Mi, to downtown Ferndale Mi during the 2009 Dream Cruise. There seem to be a few gaps, but there must be thousands of old cars along that stretch of Streetview. :cheers:

Here is my '65 Chrysler at Woodward and Square Lake Rd,350.67,,0,8.09

They caught me and my work truck leaving one of my customer's. I don't know how to post a screen capture, but it was pretty cool!! Hey look! I'm leaving my stop!!!! They caught my son's Jeep sitting out in front of the house too, instead of in the garage where it usually sits.