Someone else said it. They can't stand having their front door open. Kick the top off the mound and when he starts rebuilding, cap him. .410 with birdshot.
I used a 12 ga. riot gun on one of them, but that is too slow and u cant stay up all night and watch for them. For that matter u cant hardly catch them at all. THE LAWNMOWER WORKED, BEEN OVER A YEAR!Someone else said it. They can't stand having their front door open. Kick the top off the mound and when he starts rebuilding, cap him. .410 with birdshot.
Yeah, there were examples of that, and also with oxygen mixed in.Too old school everyone uses acetylene now!
be hard to mow over in the yard !----not the answer!Galvanized chain link fencing laid flat on the ground. Plants grow through it but gophers can’t dig through it to make burrows. If they happen to be in their burrows when you lay it down...oh, well.
I tried these, didn`t work for me, not enough gas for the big problems !
I now have rampant moles in the back. They don`t seem to want anything to do w/ the front yard tho.
Beer + pellet rifle.
Beer + pellet rifle.