Gopher killing...

Someone else said it. They can't stand having their front door open. Kick the top off the mound and when he starts rebuilding, cap him. .410 with birdshot.
Someone else said it. They can't stand having their front door open. Kick the top off the mound and when he starts rebuilding, cap him. .410 with birdshot.
I used a 12 ga. riot gun on one of them, but that is too slow and u cant stay up all night and watch for them. For that matter u cant hardly catch them at all. THE LAWNMOWER WORKED, BEEN OVER A YEAR!
Galvanized chain link fencing laid flat on the ground. Plants grow through it but gophers can’t dig through it to make burrows. If they happen to be in their burrows when you lay it down...oh, well.
be hard to mow over in the yard !----not the answer!
I loved out in SD there were people parked in lots of places taking out Prairie Dogs at 5-600 yds. I never did it, but it has to be fun!

There ya go, don't have to deal with residual radiation.

Beer + pellet rifle.[/QUOTE]

Get the cheap beer you don't want to waste the good stuff on a gopher.
What you do is fill a bowl with the beer. When the gopher drinks enough and gets drunk.
When it staggers off to take a leak that's when you get him with the pellet rifle. He'll never know what happened. But he'll die happy!
Beer + pellet rifle.

Get the cheap beer you don't want to waste the good stuff on a gopher.
What you do is fill a bowl with the beer. When the gopher drinks enough and gets drunk.
Then when it has to take a leak that when you get him with the pellet gun. He'll never know what happened. But he'll die happy![/QUOTE]
What if the gopher is under aged???
Beer + pellet rifle.

Get the cheap beer you don't want to waste the good stuff on a gopher.
What you do is fill a bowl with the beer. When the gopher drinks enough and gets drunk.
When it staggers off to take a leak that's when you get him with the pellet rifle. He'll never know what happened. But he'll die happy![/QUOTE]