Got some of the best news ever tonight



Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2012
Reaction score
Wheaton, Il
Just got a notice from my Chief saying that I am going to day shift! After four years of working 6PM to 6:30AM I can finally start sleeping at night like a normal human being. I am still going to be working 12 hour shifts but I will be able to function like a normal human being on my days off. No more over sleeping and no more physical and mental stress.
Just got a notice from my Chief saying that I am going to day shift! After four years of working 6PM to 6:30AM I can finally start sleeping at night like a normal human being. I am still going to be working 12 hour shifts but I will be able to function like a normal human being on my days off. No more over sleeping and no more physical and mental stress.

Congratulations, i tried working a night shift years ago at a grocery store and 6 days of no sleep and no BM's almost put me in the hospital. Enjoy your normal life, after four years you more then deserve it:cheers:.
I used to like working nights, but back then, I didn't need sleep. I think I slept maybe 4 hours a day. Glad you get to get back to the world of the living
When I first started on nights I had people telling me, "You will get used to it", "it gets easier the longer you do it", and "your body will adjust to working nights." I can tell you that is all false for me. I have never gone to bed at 7:30Am and woken up at 3:00Pm thinking I got a great sleep.

I just finished a 12 day vacation. The last 5 days I was going to bed around midnight and waking up around 6AM feeling like a million bucks. I am a morning person and I hate sleeping while the sun is up.

Thanks for all the congrats everyone!
Congrats, I just got word that we are switching to 12 hour shifts and the 1st 2 weeks is midnites....6pm to 6 am....its gonna suck!!
I worked 8 hour shifts at first and I can say I really like working the 12s better. I would hate to work swing shifts though. My good friend at a different department works them and he rotates every month. He says as soon as you get used to working the hours it's time to rotate to a different shift. Good luck man...