Got some snow today


Tony Fields

That's How I Roll
Legendary Member
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Columbus, Indiana 47201
In fact, it has snowed all day


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Dam! I think my nuts just shrunk looking at that. I'm still patiently waiting for our first hit.
That's about the same amount of snow we have. What's the temp like Tony? We are looking at -28c , -34c windchill, kinda makes you forget about how much snow you have.
That's nothing, I have had as much as 36 inches fall in 24 hrs here in Northern Michigan. The other problem is the fact that its a ford in the picture
Dang that's a lot of snow Tony........brrrrrr

I should be ashamed of myself complaining about our 50* temps today, but it was cold to ME

You guys stay warm & safe :wave: :thumrigh:
Grew up in the used car business, could tell by the headlight, wheels, and side that it is a first gen windstar I'm guessing 1998
We had allot of rain here but 2 hours to the west was snow.
We was first hit with freezing rain, then thankfully :cheers: it turned to sleet then snow here
in northeast Arkansas, there is power outages around us but we Dodged :wink: the bullet this time and I never had to crank up the generator
We have some very cold weather on it's way here tonight, they are calling for 8 degrees F. tonight. We have been home as well Tony and we don't intend on going anywhere soon :coffee2: I just took this picture moments ago, you got hit with more snow then we did this time :happy1:


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I brought the trash compactor in Tony, let him play and burn some energy
He will be inside tonight :cheers: low is going to be 16 degrees before wind chill.
Looks like a Domino night for Treva and I tonight along with a couple wobbly pops for me and sweet tea for my sweet hart. What is going on in your home tonight :glasses7:


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Pooor doogie gonna be disappointed when he don't find the beer.
Pooor doogie gonna be disappointed when he don't find the beer.
He watched me load it in the fridg :D he was looking at me and kept looking in the box each time I pulled a couple out :D
I could not turn him down on enjoying the box :D he carried it away into the living room and just tour it in pieces.. happy face for sure :D
I brought the trash compactor in Tony, let him play and burn some energy
He will be inside tonight :cheers: low is going to be 16 degrees before wind chill.
Looks like a Domino night for Treva and I tonight along with a couple wobbly pops for me and sweet tea for my sweet hart. What is going on in your home tonight :glasses7:

Thelma and I just got thru making a huge bowl of pasta salad.

Gonna have some of that and a chicken salad sandwich.
And maybe a couple of Bud Select 55's for me and a diet Coke for
Pasta salad sounds good, I love that stuff :cheers: I hope there will be onions in it as well :D