Got stoned today.....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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No, not the herbal kind. Was out on the scooter today, cruising down 395 when I get nailed by a stone......Damn, forgot how much a stone stings when you are going 65 mph. Funny how they will travel a ways, the closest car to me from the front was over 200 yards, might have came from the other lane but there was a concrete divider.....
About 10,000 years ago I was goin' down the county road, only about 40, scooped a yellow jacket right into the front of my helmet. Damm thing stung me about 4 times before I got everything whoaed.
I got nailed right in the middle of my forehead by a bumble bee doing about 35. I made it but I don't think the bumble bee did!
I have had various collisions with small flying objects over the years. Got stung in the eye, in the face, hit a bird in flight, had another bird fly under my open face shield and hit me in the face, had a car in front of me hit a big black crow turning it into flying bird soup, damn that thing stunk. Rode thru mist of skunk spray once in NJ. The joys of 2 wheels....The best was the rock that came out of a set of dual wheels. Split my helmet open & gave me a concussion.
No, not the herbal kind. Was out on the scooter today, cruising down 395 when I get nailed by a stone......Damn, forgot how much a stone stings when you are going 65 mph. Funny how they will travel a ways, the closest car to me from the front was over 200 yards, might have came from the other lane but there was a concrete divider.....

Not a biker, but can just imagine... I had one hit windshield on Magnum last year directly in front of me. Scared the crap out of me and chipped the glass good.
Not a biker, but can just imagine... I had one hit windshield on Magnum last year directly in front of me. Scared the crap out of me and chipped the glass good.

I have a new found respect for windshields.....again......
The basic fact of my life, whether it be on 2 wheels or 4, if there is an object defying gravity on a road within a half mile of my location, it will find me.
Don't know if you've got june bugs where you are but they're bigger than a half dollar. They get your attention when you hit one at 75.:banghead:
I have had various collisions with small flying objects over the years. Got stung in the eye, in the face, hit a bird in flight, had another bird fly under my open face shield and hit me in the face, had a car in front of me hit a big black crow turning it into flying bird soup, damn that thing stunk. Rode thru mist of skunk spray once in NJ. The joys of 2 wheels....The best was the rock that came out of a set of dual wheels. Split my helmet open & gave me a concussion.

Bird that is pretty gross
Driving down the road, saw a guy on a Harley coming the other way.Watched a rabbit run across the road and it saw the bike at the last minute.Jumped straight up in the air and hit the guy right in the chest and bounced off.Guy on bike was going about 40 but didn't stop. Bet that had to hurt.
Driving down the road, saw a guy on a Harley coming the other way.Watched a rabbit run across the road and it saw the bike at the last minute.Jumped straight up in the air and hit the guy right in the chest and bounced off.Guy on bike was going about 40 but didn't stop. Bet that had to hurt.

Ah, that was one of those rare ninja rabbits.
Ever seen a northern cal pine beetle?
A guy on a harley was doing an approximated 100mph and it hit him in the forehead and killed him.

They are easily 2 inches long.


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Two weeks ago-met a tractortrailer on a two lane road-he kicked up a 2x4 stake thingy and sent it right through the windshield on the rollback! Ended up stuck in the windshield half in half out. Little glass in the face, couple hundred bucks, but I sure was glad it went toward the middle!
Two weeks ago-met a tractortrailer on a two lane road-he kicked up a 2x4 stake thingy and sent it right through the windshield on the rollback! Ended up stuck in the windshield half in half out. Little glass in the face, couple hundred bucks, but I sure was glad it went toward the middle!

Holy crap...I'm glad you're ok!!!!!

Just sold my bike to pay for my car but remember how much those damn June Bugs HURT!!!
I got a fat lip :toothy9: and bruised :shaking2: driving a 250Xl Honda back in the mid to late 70's probably doing 70 :-k at the time and tasted a grass hopper :-sout side of Pant city Fla.
I think some one in the family has a picture of it :tongue9::tongue9::help: BAMM hit ya and hurt bad didn't it #-o
Hay, It could happen again :D so bee careful Ink :toothy2:
Don't know if you've got june bugs where you are but they're bigger than a half dollar. They get your attention when you hit one at 75.:banghead:

Don't think we have june bugs up here. Have gotten hit with a few bugs that felt like they more or less bounced off.

Driving down the road, saw a guy on a Harley coming the other way.Watched a rabbit run across the road and it saw the bike at the last minute.Jumped straight up in the air and hit the guy right in the chest and bounced off.Guy on bike was going about 40 but didn't stop. Bet that had to hurt.

Ouch.......have gotten nailed in the shin with a small chunk of lumber years ago. Had a knot for a few days.

Two weeks ago-met a tractortrailer on a two lane road-he kicked up a 2x4 stake thingy and sent it right through the windshield on the rollback! Ended up stuck in the windshield half in half out. Little glass in the face, couple hundred bucks, but I sure was glad it went toward the middle!

This is the thing nightmares are made of. Glad you did not get hurt. Remember seeing on the news one night years ago that a Mom and her Daughter were on a freeway and a truck kicked up a chunk of steel that was on the roadway, went thru the windshield and thru the Daughters chest. Missed all vital organs, her Mom was saying that at first her Daughter did not even realize what had happened. Suppose she was in shock.....

I got a fat lip :toothy9: and bruised :shaking2: driving a 250Xl Honda back in the mid to late 70's probably doing 70 :-k at the time and tasted a grass hopper :-sout side of Pant city Fla.
I think some one in the family has a picture of it :tongue9::tongue9::help: BAMM hit ya and hurt bad didn't it #-o
Hay, It could happen again :D so bee careful Ink :toothy2:

Tasted a grass hopper?? Did it taste like chicken? :D As long as all the 4 legged critters stat in the woods all is well.
I recently started wearing a helmet after being knocked nearly silly by a rock thrown by oncoming traffic. Cicada bugs, grass hoppers, bees, birds... The pheasants really get me nervous! Maybe all for naught as I'm selling my bike to help finance the barracuda.
Yeah, it feels real nice when one of those giant hornets catches you in the throttle hand running about 60mph down an old back road!! :banghead: the little bastards are about 3" in length!
I recently started wearing a helmet after being knocked nearly silly by a rock thrown by oncoming traffic. Cicada bugs, grass hoppers, bees, birds... The pheasants really get me nervous! Maybe all for naught as I'm selling my bike to help finance the barracuda.

Every time I go down Devils Gap Road I see a single turkey in the same area. Just waiting for the thing to dart across the road in front of me......
Every time I go down Devils Gap Road I see a single turkey in the same area. Just waiting for the thing to dart across the road in front of me......

Rear back and see if he can help you ride a wheelie for old times sake! Lol
Caught a hornet right at the base of my neck and went down my shirt. I pulled over ASAP, jumped off the bike and was dancing around trying to get my gear off as the hornet was biting the crap out of me. I ended up with a row of bites running down my chest and stomach. I must've been quite the sight...

Been behind an uncovered gravel truck at 65 too. That was when I decided to use chaps on long trips.
Caught a hornet right at the base of my neck and went down my shirt. I pulled over ASAP, jumped off the bike and was dancing around trying to get my gear off as the hornet was biting the crap out of me. I ended up with a row of bites running down my chest and stomach. I must've been quite the sight...

Been behind an uncovered gravel truck at 65 too. That was when I decided to use chaps on long trips.

Why is it when you need a video camera there is none around? I jumped in the truck the other day to find a wasp hanging out on the seat back.....I was doing a dance of my own.

Joe, be thankful you were not allergic like my buddy Arnie in NJ was. He had a bee go up his jacket sleeve and get him. He decide to turn around and go home. When we got back to his driveway he passed out, sending him & his wife to the ground. He spent several days in the hospital. Had a welt for close to 2 years from it......
Why is it when you need a video camera there is none around? I jumped in the truck the other day to find a wasp hanging out on the seat back.....I was doing a dance of my own.

Joe, be thankful you were not allergic like my buddy Arnie in NJ was. He had a bee go up his jacket sleeve and get him. He decide to turn around and go home. When we got back to his driveway he passed out, sending him & his wife to the ground. He spent several days in the hospital. Had a welt for close to 2 years from it......

That happened way before truly portable video cameras and even cell phones, lol. It would've been a youtube moment... if yt existed back then.

You're right about allergies, they are no joke. A scenario like that would've probably killed my sister. She has to carry a hypo with her wherever she goes filled with some anti-allergy stuff (forgot what it's called).
If you ride, then you've got stories.
I've always worn full-face helmets but still enjoy the wind-in-the-face feel occasionally. I was out on a ride a few years ago on a warm spring day and had my face shield flipped up an open. Lots of flowers blooming so lots of butterflies. Riding down a two-lane back road I saw one flitting across the road in front of me. I was dodging and weaving on the bike saddle to try to miss it. At the last moment it dodged, I weaved, and it hit me right in the left lens of my sunglasses. Big ol' splat and couldn't see out of that side until I pulled over and got it washed off.
A couple of months later I was out on another ride and felt a sting on my arm. I thought I must have hit a fly or something and didn't think much of it but it kept stinging. Looked down at my arm after about 30 seconds or so and saw a stinger in my arm with the venom sack still attached and pulsing away. Don't know what it was that I hit but ended up going to the doctor the next day when my arm swelled up. I'd never been allergic to bee stings before. Still don't know what it was that I hit.