Graveyard Cars ?



383 Bcuda
Sep 10, 2013
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I just got the Velocity channel. Now I can watch graveyard cars. Well that's what I thought. Does anyone know if there is going to be any new shows ?
Graveyard is still up 'n running. You may need to wait for the new season to kick off but, if you have a DVR, set it up to catch reruns if you've missed any.
Yea have been watching the reruns. Cant wait for the new shows
Yea have been watching the reruns. Cant wait for the new shows

they had a few new shows on direct t v here, then went back to the shows w/ " dumbass Darren" in them, quit watching again!
I can't bring myself to watch them ever again having be informed of how Mark treated customers and the original crew........
The season coming up they have some A-bodies for a change.

mark said that 3 years ago....yet to see one. Mainly because he wants 30k just to get the car on the show.......
I try to watch this show I love mopars and the show is in the town I live. But Mark sucks acts like a know it all. I'd rather watch wheeler dealers. Dustin
I only watch that show, and the other, so called, "reality car shows", after DVR'ing them. That way I can get past all the commercials, the BS, the false drama, and repeated scenes. Can watch and entire episode in 20 minutes and not miss a thing. .
There s gonna be a red 71 gss demon on there soon. Can t wait to see that one.
I'm with Frankie...DVR and zoom zoom zoom until I see an A-body.

I can watch an entire season in 5 minutes.

In 1970, Chrysler cars came with tires.
A. True
B. False

The answer coming up after the break.
I was told the new season starts in October. I don't really care for some of the drama and nonsense, but I have learned a few things.