Great news: Just got my Eagle Award!!!!


67valiant 100

go fast or go home
FABO Gold Member
May 3, 2010
Reaction score
Orange County NY
Well its been a long 12 years in scouts but last night I finally earned the rank of an Eagle :cheers::cheers::cheers: They say I'm 1 in 100. My project was to build a 160ft fence for the kindergarden class at my church. It came out great! I'm a 17 year old senior in high school and have been doing scouting as a Cub Scout since first grade. I'm the first person in my family to earn the Eagle Scout rank :cheers: I'm just so excited!!!!!!!

Grats, im not familar with how you guys rank... is it hard to get? What does it take exactly? ... I answered my own question and wow... that's impressive... Grats

For anyone whos curious what it takes...

Be active in your troop, team, crew, or ship for a period of at least 6 months after you have achieved the rank of Life Scout.
Demonstrate that you live by the principles of the Scout Oath and Law in your daily life. List the names of individuals who know you personally and would be willing to provide a recommendation on your behalf, including parents/guardians, religious, educational, and employer references.
Earn a total of 21 merit badges (10 more than you already have), including the following:
First Aid
Citizenship in the Community
Citizenship in the Nation
Citizenship in the World
Personal Fitness
Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving
Environmental Science
Personal Management
Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling
Camping, and
Family Life*
While a Life Scout, serve actively for a period of 6 months in one or more of the following positions of responsibility:

Boy Scout troop.
Patrol leader,
assistant senior patrol leader,
senior patrol leader,
Venture patrol leader,
troop guide,
Order of the Arrow troop representative,
den chief,
junior assistant Scoutmaster,
chaplain aide,
Webmaster, or
Leave No Trace trainer
Varsity Scout team.
program manager,
squad leader,
team secretary,
Order of the Arrow team representative,
chaplain aide,
instructor, or
den chief.
Webmaster, or
Leave No Trace trainer
Venturing crew / Sea Scout ship.
vice president,
den chief,
boatswain's mate,
Webmaster, or
Leave No Trace trainer

While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, any school, or your community. (The project should benefit an organization other than Boy Scouting.) The project plan must be approved by the organization benefiting from the effort, your Scoutmaster and troop committee and the council or district before you start. You must use the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook, No. 521-927, in meeting this requirement.
Take part in a Scoutmaster conference.
Successfully complete an Eagle Scout board of review.

* You must choose only one merit badge listed in items (g) and (j). If you have earned more than one of the badges listed in items (g) and (j), choose one and list the remaining badges to make your total of 21.

Note: All requirements must be completed before a candidate's 18th birthday, however the Eagle Scout board of review can be held after the candidate's 18th birthday. For more information, see Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures, publication No. 33088.

If you have a permanent physical or mental disability, you may become an Eagle Scout by qualifying for as many required merit badges as you can and qualifying for alternative merit badges for the rest. If you seek to become an Eagle Scout under this procedure, you must submit a special application to your local council service center. Your application must be approved by your council advancement committee before you can work on alternative merit badges.

The Alternate requirements are also listed in more detail under Eagle Scout Rank - Alternate Requirements in the current Boy Scout Requirements book. (No. 34765).
You should be proud. Maybe some folks don't know how much effort it takes to become an eagle scout but you will carry it with you forever and it says alot for your character.
Congratulation, 67valiant 100! Yours is an outstanding personal achievement and says boatloads about your character.
Again, CONGRATS!!!

...and, no, you can't have my avatar, lol
A grand accomplishment.....

I'm envious.

I made Life with all requirements for Eagle EXCEPT swimming and lifesaving.....have a problem with the curve of my lower spine that kept me from those badges........and NOW, I discover that they lost all records from the Sir William Johnson Council after they merged...... Bummer. They'd probab;y make an exception based on the disability, but no luck now.

It's a GREAT accomplishment.......GREAT work......Have fun, and enjoy!
Congratulations! Not sure how you find time to do so many things, but is refreshing to see.

We call it 'Chief Scout" in Canada..before that, "Queen Scout".

Take pride in your acomplishment...not many out there....and I know hard it is to achieve this rank.

Congratulations :thumrigh: Never been in the scouts myself, but it sounds like a great honor and it take patients and hard work to get to where you are.
You will make a good shepherd one day and help look over people in need of your skills :cheers:
Congrats on your accomplishment. I know exactly what it takes to become an Eagle Scout. Lots of hard work and committment. I was an Assitant Scoutmaster for 10 years and an Cubmaster before that. Two of my son's are Eagles and all 4 of us are Order of the Arrow members.

I'm envious.

I made Life with all requirements for Eagle EXCEPT swimming and lifesaving.....have a problem with the curve of my lower spine that kept me from those badges........and NOW, I discover that they lost all records from the Sir William Johnson Council after they merged...... Bummer. They'd probab;y make an exception based on the disability, but no luck now.

It's a GREAT accomplishment.......GREAT work......Have fun, and enjoy!
I'm sure they would have made an exception for you. BTW I think now a days they have some alternative badges that you can take for reasons just like this.

I my self have so far earned 42 badges :thumrigh:
Congrats on your accomplishment. I know exactly what it takes to become an Eagle Scout. Lots of hard work and committment. I was an Assitant Scoutmaster for 10 years and an Cubmaster before that. Two of my son's are Eagles and all 4 of us are Order of the Arrow members.

Thats great to hear. My uncle (a retired Colonel) has just became a Cubmaster last year for his sons troop. I'm also an OA member too :salut:
CONGRATS ON THE AWARD!!!! Thats is really great. You don't find a lot of kids today to stick it out as you did.
My son will receive his Gold Medal of Acheivement award this Sunday. It is like an Eagle award but much more church oriented. I'm proud of him just as I am you for working so hard for something.
Stand Proud my friend
Thats awsome my son was a cub and quit before going to boy scout to play football so we know how hard it is to get to eagle.You have to be totally dedicated and you did it.Just great.
Yes, congratulations!!! As has been mentioned, be sure to include that info on any employment applications. I can tell you, as one who has done interviews and hiring, it will give you a leg up on the others who apply.
Congratulations on achieving something remarkable. The sky's the limit for you!