Guess I'm older than dirt

When I first saw it I just thought it meant thank in slash as a divider and “ty” for thank you....learned from my kids and cell phone texts.
Just had a discussion with another member here. He referenced:


I had absolutely no idea what that meant until he explained: "slanty." I.e., slant six.

Does everyone else know what /ty means? Or am I the only clueless old fart here?

Oh well, at least I can tell time on an old-fashioned clock with minute and hour hands (my grandson can't). I also know how to use a dial phone. Plus I can write cursive. And drive a stick shift. Etc., etc. . . .
I still have a Yankee screwdriver and can read a compass. LOL
I can feather the throttle to keep my engine running when cold. And shift a standard. It’s not their fault. It’s what they grew up with. I don’t like it, but it’s just a different world now. I can barely run the tv remote.
Yeah, I wouldn't alienate them just because they're different.
Now, where did I put my bell bottom pants with the stripes down the side?
My dad was visiting from the Netherlands a few years ago and he wanted to go shopping

So he asked me where he could get a denim jacket
So I told him 1975

He said, is that over by Walmart?
Sometimes you gotta be able to whistle dixie and sing yankee doodle.....evolve or die....or just be kinda unhappy.....

Im Gen X'er and if you rode the city bus for a quarter you got an education in jive, street talk and how to not get killed... the next gen's have their way....but the texting, talking, or being distracted while driving is the killer....lets focus people!! :lol:
Ty——-thank you
TTYL——-talk to you later
BYOB——-bring your own bottle
RSVP—— send me that damn card back so I know if your coming
JABITW——-just another brick in the wall.
Just had a discussion with another member here. He referenced:


I had absolutely no idea what that meant until he explained: "slanty." I.e., slant six.

Does everyone else know what /ty means? Or am I the only clueless old fart here?

Oh well, at least I can tell time on an old-fashioned clock with minute and hour hands (my grandson can't). I also know how to use a dial phone. Plus I can write cursive. And drive a stick shift. Etc., etc. . . .
Never heard that term we always call it the Slant or leaning tower of power
I may be old but when I was 15 I worked in a gas station when someone pumped gas for you and gave out green stamps but the girls wore no bras had mini skirts and when you were lucky had no underwear , They can sext all they want I saw it up close and personal
I may be old but when I was 15 I worked in a gas station when someone pumped gas for you and gave out green stamps but the girls wore no bras had mini skirts and when you were lucky had no underwear , They can sext all they want I saw it up close and personal

We could even smell their perfume. Windshield washing was free with zero issues with every purchase. Even if they came in 2-3 times a night.
All I know the one I had back in the early 70's ,I nicked named bullet proof.
If you want to blow a kids mind,Go to Advanced ,Orilleys ,or Auto Zone and ask for a can of Rust Buster, I did that because that was its name 40 years ago,but the little turd I ask was a little smartass ,said you old farts are going to tell us what you really want, I said ok,PB Blaster...

We refer to PB Blaster "panther piss". Try asking for that at O'Reilly's or Autozone.
Or those that can not talk on the phone...have to text every damn thing!!
Calling a slant a slanty, is like calling a distributor a dizzy or alfalfa alfie!!! BS
Yes we have road maps in all vehicles, whether we need them or not!!:rofl:
Or a Newfie calling an Albertan an Alfie. How she came up with that, I can't figure. Must have an issue with being termed a Newfie. Just have to roll with some things.
Google is pretty good at defining the illiterates language.
We refer to PB Blaster "panther piss". Try asking for that at O'Reilly's or Autozone.
Weasel piss for penetrating oil. Half them young pups don't have a clue about what you are talking about.
I was working at a place and there was two young fellas did tires. One full blood native and the other metis. Metis asked where the boss was. I responded that he had to go pick up a dead Indian, meaning holiday trailer. The full blood snapped "What?!". The metis fella explained it was a silly expression for broken scrap iron. Gotta watch that politically correct crap these days.
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Whenever I feel myself wanting to judge younger folks, I try to remind myself that I, too, was a weird little prick who listened to music my parents hated, used slang they didn't understand, and wore clothes they wouldn't be caught dead in. There will be generational differences until the end of time and that's natural, but I think it's important to let kids be kids and allow them to define their generation in whatever way they will.
Whenever I feel myself wanting to judge younger folks, I try to remind myself that I, too, was a weird little prick who listened to music my parents hated, used slang they didn't understand, and wore clothes they wouldn't be caught dead in. There will be generational differences until the end of time and that's natural, but I think it's important to let kids be kids and allow them to define their generation in whatever way they will.
When I was in high school, I was complaining about having to wear the canvass running shoes instead of the same as all the other kids were wearing. You get teased mercilessly for things like that. Dad explained he was not coughing up for the latest trend that would be obsolete in 6 months. He further explained each generation has their uniform. His had Zoot Suits.
Well, your dad wasn’t wrong! Trends seem to change with the weather. But kids are also brutal. They’ll rip each other apart if they think someone isn’t “cool.”
I have no problem with superficial trends among the younger gen., but what worries me is how they might grow into totally worthless adults. For the most part, so many are shaped by liberal education, left winged gov'ment, and in many cases worthless parents.
Our country, in so many ways today, is suffering from immediate gradification, being paid to sit on their asses, low work ethic, and no one that runs our country can agree on anything, and for the most part, no one has any respect for anyone or anything.
Heck, we don't even have a clue who runs our country right now!
Well, your dad wasn’t wrong! Trends seem to change with the weather. But kids are also brutal. They’ll rip each other apart if they think someone isn’t “cool.”
Dad was right on the uniform, but I was the one that endured the harrassment for not wearing the cool cloths. Grandfather was a young adult when the depression hit, so he knew not to spend money foolishly. Grandmother had to threaten leaving him if he would not purchase a house. Dad kind of got that engrained into him.
I have no problem with superficial trends among the younger gen., but what worries me is how they might grow into totally worthless adults. For the most part, so many are shaped by liberal education, left winged gov'ment, and in many cases worthless parents.
Our country, in so many ways today, is suffering from immediate gradification, being paid to sit on their asses, low work ethic, and no one that runs our country can agree on anything, and for the most part, no one has any respect for anyone or anything.
Heck, we don't even have a clue who runs our country right now!
Not sure those that are from the closet somewhere, have a clue either.
The trend I find disgusting and thought it would have gone away by now, is wearing their pants about where their nutz are with their underwear semi covering their butts. However if they think it grosses you out, they will continue. Just their way of giving society the bird.