H22A4 Hows the fit



Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Belleville Canada
Well how well did thoes pipes from muffler tech fit? mine are being sent out friday just wondering.Thanks Don:cheers:
Well, either they're still working on it, or he's out "testing" it out! Hopefully, it's option#2!:toothy10::burnout:
The kit and the goodies are still in the trunk of the car.:neutral:

When I dropped it off this morning, I chatted with the fellow who would be doing the work (not the guy who took my appointment last week) to give him a run down on the parts and my preferences (ie: how far the tips should stick past the bumper, etc). I'm running manifolds instead of headers and when he saw the work needed to fab new head pipes (from the exhaust manifold to where the muffler tech kit starts) he had a few choice words. He said that while he could do the job, that it would take a while and probably wouldn't be up to the standards I was looking for. So he's referred me to another shop he knows who can do all that custom work.

Although I was hoping to have the exhaust on by this this afternoon, I really appreciate the fact this shop didn't just take my money and do a half *** job.

So on Friday I'll find out when I should be able to book it into the other shop.
I talked to a shop today who said the same thing. They hate having to build head pipes and connect to an existing exhaust. You would think they would have it figured out by now.
H22A4: Sorry to hear things didn't go as planned. Hopefully shop#2 gets the job done!
Those shops are I don't know--full of it--I know a great exhaust shop and all there is too it is to wire brush the old pipes clean so the weld will stick. That and some custom pipe bending...what do they want, just to bolt it together.

If it was that easy you would do it yourself, lol.
I stopped by the other shop with the Scamp this afternoon and they will do the job. It goes in next Friday.
H22A4 I took a close look at the pic of the kit they have,and it looks like the mufflers are offset going in and offset going out,is that what you had to buy? i all ready bought mine and there offset in and center out.
H22A4 I took a close look at the pic of the kit they have,and it looks like the mufflers are offset going in and offset going out,is that what you had to buy? i all ready bought mine and there offset in and center out.

Orginally I was going to buy 4 mufflers (2 off-set in, centre out and two off-set in, off-set out), have the install shop use which ever fit best and I'd return the two not installed. The parts store I bought the mufflers from (large chain in BC) didn't have any off-set in centre out Thrush Turbo's or Hush Thrush's in stock (not even in their warehouse) and it would take ~3 weeks to special order in. So the shop will install the off-set in & out mufflers. I'll be interested to hear how your install goes with the off-set in, centre out mufflers.
It looks like I will have to use the off set in and off set only because the pic of the kit they have on there siote shows that,however i plan on calling them up on tuesday to see what they say to use.Good luck with yours bro.
You can call them to confirm but the one page instruction sheet they provide with the kit states off-set in and off-set out should be used with their kit.
Thanksssssssss that what I figured.Good thing I talk to carquest on saturday if need be they will exchange my mufflers for different ones if need be.Ps looks like they either gave us the wrong tracking number or did not send them our Friday like they said.
So the kit is installed! Sounds nice too!! I'll take some pictures tomorrow.

The kit wasn't exactly 'plug & play' as it did take some extra bending to get things to fit.....
After running a few errands the mufflers are starting to sound great! Muffler Tech used quite a bit of grease/oil to bend the pipes so it smoked for quite a while as it burns off.


